
by qadreena 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • qadreena

    i remember going on field service with a pioneer sister then afterwards she asked me to accompany her to look in on one of her studies, i said yes and ended up in the house of a really nice indian lady
    my friend had offered to take this lady's daughter off her hands for a while and take her down the park so off we went - nice summer day, we sat while the little girl played on the swings and slides, we brought a bit of food and went back to the park to sit down and eat, as we were eating, the girl started talking about armageddon
    the conversation was getting along nicely - little girl slowly being succesfully brainwashed.....

    the poor little 8 year old girl ended up in tears - she was scared of the earthquakes and didnt want to die, she didnt want her mother to die, and even though she believed they would both be together in paradise earth, her dad would die and stay dead, nothing my friend could to cheer her up so i coaxed her into going back on the swings and all was well till it was time for her to go home and the tears started again when she told her mother of her concerns
    which also got her mother crying

    the girl was included in the studies at the house so the pioneer friend had told all about what happens to who at armageddon in this young girls presence

    this girl was 8 years old!

    i remember thinking how cruel of my friend to tell a family all about the 'bad' people dieing in armageddon - especially a divorced family where the father, as much as he loved his daughter was not stupid enough to fall for the crap

  • gilwarrior

    Oh man, does this sound familiar. My parents became jws when I was also 8. I remember most of the stuff about armaggedon scaring the hell out of me.

    This definately does scare little children. It fucked me up bad.

    I hope that this little girl can get out while she can.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • jesussaves

    Yes that was very cruel. When I was little my mom thought she was 'anointed'. My siblings and I used to cry and cry because we didn't want her to go to heaven, we wanted her to stay on earth with us.

    We would go to gatherings and play a game called 'great trib'. It was for the kids. Whenever this one elder Bro. L screamed out 'great trib' we had to freeze and be perfectly silent until he gave the signal. It was supposed to be practice for the real thing, in case we had to go into hiding. They start that fear factor stuff from the crib.

  • plmkrzy

    It's no wonder that so many that grow up in the "TRUTH" get angry later. Thoughts of armegeadon use to scare the heck out of me when I was young. I remember being afraid all the time that I was going to do something so bad but I wouldn't know what it would be. I thought I would find out at armegeadon.
    One time after a meeting about Xmas songs filling the air and how to deal with the ho;idays at hand I confessed to my mother that I couldn't get "Jingle Bells" out of my head. "Was Jehovah going to kill me when armegeadon comes?" She picked me up and hugged me and said "Ofcourse not honey he would never do something like that he loves you!"
    My dad on the other hand would have punished me. I never confessed anything to him.
    Thats probably what made me really start examining later on the whole armegeadon theory. Not saying that I don't believe it will happen, I just chose not to believe it will happen according to what the WTBTS teaches.

  • Beck_Melbourne


    Sounds so typical...and certainly not a unique case. I recently had a discussion with my mother and grandmother...both active JW's. Both my mother and grandmother were married to mother and father have been bitterly divorced for years. Upon hearing that my father had terminal cancer...I said to my mother 'well're going to have to be nice to Dad in the new system when he's aren't you!!' Even though the ressurection hope is no longer a teaching I believe in...I enjoyed seeing my mother the thought of life in paradise forever with her ex was not what she was counting on. (My mother is waiting for Elvis Presley to be ressurrected lol...PALEEAASSEEE!!!!)

    It was their response that left me in shock....and I am still angry and disgusted about it. My mother proceeded to correct my thinking...and she said "You're father won't be getting a ressurrection"....then my grandmother said "He's NOT like your grandfather....your grandfather WILL get a ressurrection because he was righteously disposed towards the truth". Hmmm....what a load of shite!!! They have now pronounced themselves as judges of who will and will not get a ressurrection.

    I was so angry...there was no love or kindness in their we were talking about MY father....he may not have been a great man....but he was still a good man in my eyes. I don't believe their beliefs anymore anyway....and I have come to loath them and what they stand for. You're right qadreena... some JW's out there are cruel...but I think my mother and grandmother are pretty hard to beat.


  • Celia


    your grandfather WILL get a ressurrection because he was righteously disposed towards the truth". Hmmm....what a load of shite!!! They have now pronounced themselves as judges of who will and will not get a ressurrection.

    That's one of the things I experienced when the nice JW ladies visited me.... They openly judged me and my family... My 3 year old was going to be massacred by their loving God,very soon, if I didn't become one of them,(it was 93 or 94, this lady in particular seemed to believe that the end would be that year, or at least before 2000). When I told her that my God would never slaughter innocent children, she said something to the effect "we'll have to wait and see, but not doing anything (i.e. not going door-to-door) would certainly not be acceptable to their God, and I would die too"...

  • Elsewhere


    Aaaaa, the Love. It warms the heart so.

    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Beck_Melbourne


    I believe that a lot of zealots (JW) use 'scare tactics' in the hope that you will be moved to switch over and become one of them...and to join with them in preaching of the good news. I have heard many pioneers threaten their bible students with the image of their children being heartlessly slaughtered at armaggedon because of the parents choice to turn their back on the 'truth'. Bullocks!!

    Don't let them bully you Celia...


  • qadreena

    when i went on the field service, i was taught the seduction tecnique, make evrything sound good, its sooo sad that they have to use any tecnique, appealing or scaring, i think any way is bad

    xxx angel xxx

  • Celia

    I often have wondered if JWs are taught these techniques, like frighten/threaten the householders, ridicule them, when they don't want to accept your message ???

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