Would the world be safer without Religion?

by jam 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    I think you missed my point, dear jam (again, peace to you!). Humans fight... over virtually anything. Heck, women will throw each other to the floor during a "fire" sale! I have no loyalty to religion, so I am not trying to apologize or justify its existence - I, too, would love to see it go. With that said, however, I don't think the world would be any safer if it DID. To the contrary, I truly believe that those who USE religion... as well as those with other agendas... would simply find another way to "unite" people to their (evil) causes. If it isn't "My religion is better than your religion," then it would be "My skin is better than your skin." Or "My children are better than your children." Or "You're not sharing the pie and I want a piece!" Or "It's MY pie and YOU can't have any!" Or "It might be your pie, but I'm taking it!" Or "If we take THEIR pie WE'LL have more!"

    Or "We don't like what YOU'RE doing to the (earth/land/air/water/animals/economy/men/women/children/born/unborn/old/young/gays/blacks/rich/poor/tall/short/able/disabled/whales/dolphins/butchers/bakers/iron workers/shipbuilders/gardeners/maids/air traffic controllers/MLB players/bugs/forests... whatever... choose one)!"

    Religion is just a [very convenient] tool that mankind USES to push a particular agenda. It is not, however, the only tool. The economy, patriotism, racial/ethnic superiority, land, property... are also tools. Heck, wars have been fought over WOMEN, over the Big "V", literally. And so, they will find SOMETHING to unite followers, to amass "believers" in their "cause." Religion is just easier because of the influence it can carry... by means of the FEAR it wields.

    Because if you look at the HISTORY of religion... not many of its leaders are TRULY religious (in a spiritual sense). Most power-hungry atheists who have absolutely NO true belief in God but realize that they can exploit those that do... and do so exploit... by PRETENDING to believe. Since they can't attain to power the "legit" way (via bloodline or election), they take the next best route. Often, their position actually wields MORE power than, say, the monarch/leader himself/herself!

    We are a COMPETITIVE species... in EVERY area, dear one! Unlike animals who "compete" only for survival (i.e., food and procreation) OUR "nature" is that there HAS to be someone "better" than someone else. At everything. Someone has to be... and wants to be... "the best." "On top." And someone will not settle for being less than the "best" or "on top". Someone will HAVE to "rule" over someone... and someone else isn't gonna want to BE ruled over... etc., etc., etc. ("Why him and not ME? I'm just as good as him/her!").

    Someone also HAS to be the "leader". Indeed, we not only perpetuate that but CLAMOR for it! And their ain't no shortage of people out there who want to fill that role! And these will find people who, again, due to fear, lack of confidence, lesser self-esteem, etc., who will agree with them... and follow them. EVEN if they KNOW what they're following and doing is WRONG. As long as they can envision SOMETHING being in it for them (i.e., pay, patriotism, loyalty, not being different, etc.), they'll go. Even to their own deaths.

    The only way for the world to be safer is for ALL of mankind... EN MASSE... to "learn war NO more!" For ANY reason. The chances of that, however, are slim to none. Technology isn't making war harder, but easier. More can be killed with less. To assume that all will relinquish their desire to "dominate" their fellowman is... naive. As our world is NOW, someone will ALSO have this desire... and will do whatever they need to do to obtain whatever power, authority, money, military might, and weapons they need to do it.

    Including pretend to worship God. In that light, the chances of religion going... as the result of MAN'S decision for it to do so... are even slimmer. Impossible, IMHO.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • jam

    Aguest; Very good, I understand. We human are

    A complicated lot.

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