The new writing department of the WTBTS

by Aussie Oz 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    In a healthy organization, open discussion and critiques are welcomed before policies are finalized.

    In an organization where the authority figure's pronouncements must be accepted without question, a lot of nonsense gets by.

    Freddy's creation-to-1975 chronology deviated about 100 years from dates the WTS had previously published, but of course no one challenged him on it.

    With the advent of the internet, JWs and studies now have access to this type of information and criticism.

    No wonder the GB is so focused on preventing JWs from getting information from any source other than "mother."

  • DesirousOfChange

    Well, if so, it might be interesting to see what new lies they come up with to explain away their near admission that the Faithful and Discreet Slave isn't real,

    NO ONE in the Truth (TM) has an inkling about this being said by WT lawyers. Where else have you heard about it except from sources like this message board? Yes, there are the Lurkers here, but we can't mention it to anyone as we'd be asked WHERE did WE hear about news in Australia?

    Has it even made the mainstream newpapers in Australia? Does the average JW there know what is transpiring in court, or is the only infomation they get coming from any newsletter at the KHall?


  • outsmartthesystem
    outsmartthesystem nailed it spot on.

    But don't forget the other catch 22 as a witness. If you don't do deep spiritual research then you are a babe. But if you do deep spritual research and you find out the truth about the truth.....then you were "looking for a reason to be stumbled......and obviously have a wicked heart since you were looking for imperfections".

  • outsmartthesystem

    "Well, if so, it might be interesting to see what new lies they come up with to explain away their near admission that the Faithful and Discreet Slave isn't real,"

    On the contrary. This will easily be explained away when the GB brings back the concept of modern day "theocratic warfare". And uber dubs will way "wow! look how smart they are! Jehovah directed them to lie use clever semantics about themselves. How happified I feel!"

  • wobble

    I agree that they will use weasel words to explain away the Australian court appearance and the words said there.

    At the appropriate time though, we will be able to make a big media splash about it, that may make some trapped in the Borg begin to see that they are inveterate liars.

    We need to be patient though, as I said on another thread, now, before this has come to fruition as a proper case, is not the time to alert the press etc

    The media has a short attention span and rarely returns to a story, when the WT has actually had to answer ,in November ?, will be the time.

    The Writing Department should cancel all leave around that time, they are going to be busy !

  • stillajwexelder

    I have said it before and I will say it again. The invention of the printing press led to the Reformation and the weakening of the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle ages.

    The internet is an invention as big as the printing press and has/will lead to the weakening of the WTBTS command structure.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Governing Body"

    Gawd, that has to be the funniest thing I've read all day, metatron! Could this be the new banner for the WT - somebody with photoshop skills should get to that post-haste - where is our Germany buddy that does the Witchtower parody? can't recall his name...let me search... ahh, Professor PROCESSOR!

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    That should be on a tshirt.

  • Gorbatchov


    I think that you have a good opinion. They read the comments at JWN and use them for their changes. I think the recent 1995 change was one of them.

    Did you see the new WT articles about JW's history? They rewrite JW history now and react indirect at the questons reased on JWD.

    So you are totaly right.

    And the writing department is mentally diseased. (other departments also).


  • ziddina
    "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Governing Body"

    GREAT one, Metatron!!! As Meeting Junkie No More said - whoops!! As Chemical Emotions said, that would look great on a T-shirt!!!

    Aussie Oz, I think you're right... It does appear that the Watchtower Corporation is fighting EXTERNAL criticisms, not addressing internal issues...

    I think we should copyright our ideas; charge the damned Watchtower Corporation big bucks if they use our ideas!!!

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