No part of the world

by irondork 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • irondork

    Be no part of the world. Friendship with the world is enmity with God.

    Perhaps it is some lingering indoctrination talking, but I don’t want to be friends with most everyone I meet out there. Granted I work in a rough-neck environment and it is mostly through my employment that I come in contact with others, but I’m not like them and I can’t see myself hanging out in their living rooms and I don't want their filthy mouths in mine.

    I don’t smoke, I don’t cuss, I don’t talk about pussy all the time (actually, none of the time). Even if I was hanging out with the old gay crowd, I don’t want to talk about dick all the time, I don’t drink, I don’t sleep around, I don’t celebrate the holidays (I see no point in it), I’m not interested in all the horror flicks or blood and guts movies.

    I’m not one of them and I’m not interested in trying to become one of them. Their lifestyles do not appeal to me.

    Granted, I have only listed the worst of the qualities I come in contact with and to be fair, some of the guys are reasonably decent – I can tune out the language and we could go to a different movie, but it’s frustrating.

    In another thread, leavingwt said: A complete fresh start is required, a total life reboot.

    Yeah, but reboot to what? I don’t see any palatable options as far as association goes.

    Be no part of the world. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. How do you balance a reboot within the confines of these scriptures?

  • designs

    First think about this planet and its 7 billion humans and ask yourself how you can contribute positive things for others and the earth. You'll find meaning there and friendships.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It sounds like you need a new crowd to mix with. I get what you're saying, I've worked with people I couldn't imagine hanging out with outside work hours.

  • maksym

    It sounds to me like you're working off the Watchtower corporations definition of what "world" means.

    Maybe you should dive into what that scripture means in context to get a more clear picture.

    I also feel your post has a thread of judgement written in it.

    For example their is no sin in smoking. It may be harmful to ones health but so is having a bad diet. After all statistically heart disease is the number one killer in America, and that is not caused by smoking but by bad diet. How do you feel when someone is eating a double cheesburger for McD's

    It seems things you were taught to appear bad then constitute a connection that those people that do them are bad, hence the expression worldly.

    FWIW....the "world" is defined by ideologies that are passing away. That is what that scripture is intended to convey. The early Christians were sent to preach the Gospel and give reason to a new future or kingdom that would take place. Worldy people are people that hold ideologies and worldviews contrary to what was taught in the Bible.

    So personally I see people as broken and try to love them. Jesus said love even our enemies. We don't have to imitate their actions but we can love them as Jesus did. Jesus helped the harlots and tax collectors, and criminals, and lowlifes of society.

    Be a light to these people but don't judge them. A reboot in life would be to start loving people and not judge them. This is something we were not taught in the Watchtower corporation. Even if you don't judge them by your standards try not to create in group out group thinking, another bad trait taught by the Watchtower corporation.

    Peace to you,


  • WTWizard

    To the witlesses, you are either all the way in the cancer or you are doing everything wrong.

    Observe: Though I still have my Ouija board, it is simply in case the witlesses show up so I can pull it out in the name of Satan. I do not buy lottery tickets because they are a waste of money most of the time. I don't smoke because it wastes money and time, it is wretched for your health, it stinks, and it dirties everything including my computer. I don't go around cussing up a storm in public where every other word that comes out of my mouth is a swear word. I don't drink. I don't use or sell drugs. I don't go around writing viruses and worms to install into others' computers. I don't practice stealing. I don't upload kiddie porn on purpose, or produce that crap. (And if I do find it, it would be because a virus installed it--and, that virus would be much less likely because I run double anti-virus). Nor do I chop people's heads off to celebrate birthdays.

    Just because I don't attend the Kingdumb Hell, I worship the sun (and the Devil), I do not teach what the witlesses teach, and I do view occasional regular porn doesn't make me all the way abominable. Fact is, I am as likely to be on an apostate web site, checking alternative news, watching videos about how tyranny is coming to the United Tyranny of Stupidity, looking around various medical scams, checking out New Zealand videos and Pokemon videos, and researching various topics that might one day help me start a business as I am to be watching regular porn. And occasionally I like researching religious sites--whether pro-religion or anti-religion. Lots of middle ground out there--and I think the middle ground is where most worldly people are.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I don't think Irondork was being judgemental.

    There are simply some sorts of people a person would rather not hang around. Call it personal preference, or standards, but I agree with him, that there are some people who have habits or personalities that I'd rather not have to put up with outside the work place (or any other situation where you have to tolerate boorish behaviour).

  • prophecor

    Community is so important to the recovering witness. I don't have a slew of friends out in the world, however I do have a couple of folk, non witness, who help keep me grounded. The witnesses will never befriend you if your outside. To live out here totally on your own is a recipe for disaster. Proverbs 18:1 They're just people. Many of which I would trust more than those I've had occasion to at any KH. We share a mutual interest. Cars. I keep them as close as I can without trying to be over influenced by them, but they keep me honest. My stuff smells pretty bad, too.

  • irondork

    It was not my intention to come off judgmental. I see your point about smoking, maksym. But this isn’t about judging. It’s about using good judgment in choosing what kind of people I will allow myself to associate with.

    The two scriptures quoted do not convey the idea that “my stuff stinks too so don’t worry about the bouquet of others”, prophecor. Rather, it sounds like the followers of Christ are being held to a higher standard than the rest of the world. I would certainly hope so.

    I know a lot of folks here, including myself, have been wrongfully judged and put out by the almighty church of Brooklyn, but that doesn’t mean sound judgment has no place. I still think there are minimum standards of conduct that people should maintain in order for me to associate with them and I absolutely believe I have the right to make those decisions FOR MYSELF based on my understanding of scriptural guidelines.

  • JRK


    You have the FREEDOM to choose who you hang out with now. If the people you work with don't float your boat, find some that do. Go to meetups in you area and find people you like to be around. Or isolate yourself if that is what you want to do.

    At least you are not stuck with only choosing from a bunch of doorknobs at the Kingdom Hall.

    I wish you the best,


  • JRK

    Oops, double post.

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