Update on our dount shop

by TotallyADD 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • TotallyADD

    Hello everyone. It has been awhile for me to post anything. I have been very, very busy. Yesterday I past all of my rough-in electrical and plumbing inspections all my drywall will be up today and tape and muded. We are only 3 weeks from opening and things are going fast. Our walk-in freezer was delivered and I need to put the box together and have someone install the freezer unit. Our opening date is Nov. 15. We have two people we will hire right off the bat and maybe after we get going one more will be hired. Everything is falling into place. It's great to see a plan come together. This last sunday was our last day we will take some time off until the shop is open and running. Reopened Mind and me went over to visit PaulnotSaul and his family and went to church with them. What a great family they are. We had such a great time with them. Remember you two, you have a diamond in the rough, enjoy and have fun with that project of yours. It's worth the wait. Anyway I have not had much time to be on the board and when I do I just lurk to see what I have missed. Reopened Mind has been telling me the more important stuff I may have missed. Well until next time I will let you all know how things are gong. Miss you all and hopefully things will settled down after we open and I will be back on the forum more often. You all take care. Totally ADD

  • wobble

    Well done TADD !!

    If I pass by your shop, I will drop in and buy a dozen, eleven is just never enough !

    Good luck with the venture !

  • sizemik

    Great to hear TotallyADD . . .

    Thanks for dropping in with the update.

  • coffee_black

    Are you anywhere near Boston? Would love to stop in for a cup of coffee

    Congratulations on your venture!


  • DaCheech

    Good, we need more private shops...........

    personally buy donuts in bakery, not Dunkin Donuts.

    Good luck

  • mrquik

    Let us know where the shop is. Just might make it a road trip.

  • Bangalore



  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Yes let us know where the store is, I am sure many on here will try to swing by if they can.

    Glad you are doing so well.


  • Diest

    You are going to be a popular break location when people are out in service Make sure to put up your no J Dubs allowed sign.

    Congrats on getting so close to opening your shop.

  • Voices

    You should call the shop 'Police Headquarters'

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