21 October

by DagothUr 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Intel

    How about this:

    We create a new financial trading instrument based on religious nutcases and sects.
    This is how it works:

    For every prediction the church should allow bets (basically short selling) against their prediction. Since they are firm believers of their own bullshit, they should have no problem in taking the other side of the trade.

    IF the Rapture happens: BINGO! Good for the church, they won't pay and will be partying away with jesus and hopefully some good looking hookers in heaven.

    IF the Rapture was a failure: BINGO! Everybody that called bullshit, can go and exchange his options paper AGAINST the church's wealth. If they go broke then it will be a good thing because all other churches will be more careful with predictions.

    IF they are NOT willing to take bets, then they are NOT firm believers of their prophecy...

    I need to take shorts against the Watchtower Society...

  • WTWizard

    Looks like they are going to lose again. I would have made a killing had I been able to sell these predictions short and buy puts against them. Starting way back with the Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign of the fall of 2006 starting the Great Tribulation. I could have cleaned out again shorting June 12, 2007. And again when they claimed that the REJECT Jesus Party of 2007 was to be the last--collecting another whopper of a payout on March 21, 2008. And another one on May 21, 2011 when nothing happened. And October 21, 2011. I would also short the predictions that a God-created end of the world would happen within 2011 (a financial Armageddon caused by governments, bankers, and Rothschilds does not count since that is man-made). And again when nothing supernatural happens on December 21, 2012 beyond the winter solstice and perhaps a major solar flare (and even that is not certain).

    And I am willing to bet it all against the Washtowel prediction when they start predicting that 2014 is definitely going to bring on the end. I am willing to differentiate between man-made disasters (wars, hyperinflation, famines caused by corruption, the HAARP, false-flag terror attacks, and so on) or natural disasters (like earthquakes that happen simply because the earth's crust is still moving, storms, and the like) from God created Armageddon. And, if the Washtowel is right, I would expect all religions except the witlesses to be destroyed first by the government, and then God-created destruction of everyone who is not a witless. If, after it is finished, quite a few worldly organizations and people are left, the prediction is bust. As is if the Washtowel ends up itself getting ruined.

  • designs

    I was driving in my car and for a moment there I thought I would leave this world and then the moment passed, it was close so close

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    was it supposed to come on Oct 21 in australia, North America, or Europe?

    It was 21 October in Australia and Europe before it was in the Americas. If anything was going to happen on 21 Oct it would have happened in those countries first!

  • finallysomepride

    From now on guys, just ignoring these false prophets

  • trueblue

    Just thinking back when watch tower study was covering up their false prophecy... It said the deciples asked Jesus if the fulfilment is now, and Jesus stated "Not now" so the WT's arguement is sense them where God's people that asked that question and was wrong then it is okay for God's people to be wrong now. But my arguement is God's people that asked Jesus the question was not wrong because they were just asking a question because they were not sure so they just asked, it was not a prediction and they did not go around prphesying the date of the end before hand like the WT$ does. The bible says they are false prophets end of story, they should just go away with there tails stuck in their butts. By their fruits you will know them and they have not produced any good fruits, only rotten fruit.

    If that the case to be alright to be wrong because you God's people then it does not matter what I beleive or anyone else beleives (wether one beleives they go to heaven or hell or what the hell) then...

  • DaCheech

    Did I miss a WT?

    They actually accused the Disciples of predicting false dates?

  • garyneal

    Come on guys, those disciples who were eager for the end of this System of Things TM and was asking Jesus when His Presence TM would come are not false prophets, are they? Camping was just eager for the Conclusion TM of this System of Things TM , he is not a false prophet.

    Hmmm, gee, that sounds like the argument Brother Hero gave for 1975.

  • Darth Rutherford
    Darth Rutherford

    Interesting experience last night...

    Was with a couple of wonderful friends who are still active. I laughed and said, "Well, doesn't look like the world ended." They laughed and started talking about Harold Camping. One said Camping was just one of these cult freaks.

    I laughed and said "Careful now... we've made a few bad date predictions too! He could always take a play from our book and say he received new light."

    Immediately there was about a minute of awkward silence... then they changed the subject.

    Just got to love it when the pot's calling the kettle black.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I predict that someone will have a bowel movement in the next 24 hours. Take that OBVES

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