Do the brothers have to follow an outline when they give talks?

by Joliette 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • DagothUr

    Sunday morning talks have predefined titles and outlines. They are grouped in a catalogue which is available to the overseer and to each body of elders. Furthermore, brothers become "qualified" to give a speech on a given theme. This means that once they become auxiliary servants or elders and if they wish to give Sunday public talks, they pick from the list at least one theme they wish to represent before the congregations. Example: Brother X picks the themes "United in worship" and "How to be a good husband". He must then write his speech and rehearse it, following the Society directions, and also respect the time duration of the talk. I am uncertain if he must perform before the CO for the first talk, but I think the answer is "yes". I asume he will not be contacted by other congregations without the overseer's approval. Then once he gets the ok, he can be summoned by the congregations to give a Sunday public talk on one of the themes he's approved for. Each body of elders has a catalogue with the public speech themes and with the names and contact data of every qualified and approved brother who can give each specific talk. From what I know, only auxiliary servants and elders and maybe regular pioneers are approved to deliver Sunday morning public talks. Other rank and file brothers can give those talks only under emergency conditions, if no "qualified" brother is available.

    If someone knows something else, please correct me.

  • punkofnice

    I admit this is a mickey take but as I was the public talk co-ordinator for some years this was the impression I got of the outlines...............

    Do More or Jehovah will Lovingly Kill You. Soon!

    Talk to be assigned to a power tripping bastard or repentant paedophile.

    (5min) God loves you and will lovingly kill you if you don’t do more.

    The world is bad. It is so deadly, terribly bad. Woe to us all. Everything is dreadful. (Quote current news item in proof). The FD$ need power and money because the global financial system is in decline caused by Satan (imply the audience is at fault). The world is in a terrible state. Everything is awful. Give us your cash so that God won’t kill you for being worldly.

    WT 53 6/1 p350 par24. g 69 5/22 p15.

    (10min) Cleansed minds

    Jehovah’s ‘happy pill ‘people are not brainwashed. We prefer to have our minds ‘cleansed’ or God will kill us. God will kill us soon when the overlapping stops very shortly. Rev 1:18. Luke 17:5-10

    WT 53 6/1 p350 par24

    (15min) Encourage more to join the cult or die. Soon!

    Do not use the internet to do independent research. You must recruit more into the cult because the FD$ are losing money. Use ‘Theotwatic warfare’ and lie about disfellowshipping one who leave. Lie to potential Bible studies that Jehovah reads hearts. Do not tell them that only Jehovah’s witnesses will survive Armageddon. WT89 9/1 pg19 par 7

    Armageddon will be soon (subject to overlapping). Paedophiles must be protected at all times but apostates must be hated. Gossip must prevail in the congregations to hurt the feelings of vulnerable ones. 1975 was not a false prediction. Jehovah didn’t let Armageddon come in 1975 as a test to those who thought it would. It was all your fault and the FD$ are not to blame for anything. The FD$ did not say anything about 1975 and you will be disfellowshipped if you say they did because they are your God.

    Only by worshipping the FD$ and giving them money can we have any hope of owning a pet monkey in paradise. Matt 24:45. Prov 4:18

    WT89 9/1 pg19 par 17

    (Please stick closely to the material quoted and do not use the Bible as an authority. Refer ONLY to the washTowel as a higher authority than god. Adhere closely to the timing for each section. Ensure that guilt, fear and phobia are instilled in the audience using ‘loaded language’ at all times. Encourage unquestioning corporate loyalty to the WT$ branded product ‘Jehovah’)

    wtb$ pt 666

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The public talks were so bad in my KH. The local assemblies were a tad bit better. It was so thrilling to trek to Yankee Stadium to hear Knorr talk. He was powerful. People who knew him from Bethel said he spoke with hardly any notes. Franz was not far behind him. Knorr would speak at local KHs in the NY area occasionally. He was still good but much better at Yankee Stadium. I also wondering if, as opposed to Franz with his quirky theology and obscure scriptural reveries, Knorr did not talk about the organization itself and its expansion. It seemed more of a pep talk than Franz. JWs most certainly engage in human worship.

    I've taken several secular public speaking courses. After being slammed so hard in Ministry School, I totally dread it. You can study all these techniques but people swear the actual experience and receiving feedback from a more experienced public speaker is the key to do it well. We had such poor speakers for so long. Watching ours do it well is also important. If everyone is bad, you can't improve. No one wants to practice tennis with someone worse than they are.

  • sizemik

    Hey Unky . . . I had the co-ordinators job for a couple of years as well. I had the full set on computer in later years.

    My first couple of PT's had a brother following the outline . . . and I occasionally came across it when travelling, especially being at a hall for the first time. Some of the outlines had some crazy shit on them which was hard to deliver with conviction.

    The worst experience was using the funeral outline . . . which fortunately I only did once . . . God it was awful. Totally embarrasing to deliver when worldly relatives were present.

    I did a couple of Assembly talks . . . after being heavily vetted and critiqued by the CO . . . I soon ducked those. They were awful too.

    The instruction talk on the school was the best . . . you could lay down any shit you liked with that . . . within reason.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Oh, the funeral talks! The worst.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Every body of elders picks one of their members to supposedly keep an eye on the speakers to make sure they follow the outlines. I don't know of any who ever actually carried out the assignment.

  • DagothUr

    Well, at the funerals all the wordlies commented about how the speaker talked a lot about JW religious doctrines and very little about the deceased.

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