Just came back from the two-day Assembly at the Yuba Assembly Hall.

by Chemical Emotions 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alfred

    @cant leave... that has been my experience as well... to me, it seemed that some elders practically handed over transcripts of judicial committee hearings to their wives who would then call their "close friends" in the congo saying: "don't tell anyone i told you this, but..." and in a matter of days, the entire congregation was well-informed on someone's indiscretions. it happened in every congo i attended in the 35+ years i was in...

    but i don't blame the elders' wives, i blame the elders themselves... they need to show more restraint...

  • ssn587

    Gossip was one thing that got my wife in a depressed mode, she couldn't believe how some were talked about when they weren't part of the car group. She told me the gossip would flow, that is one of the reasons she was so depressed.

    In one congregation I had attended it surely was the elder's wives that were paramount in spreading gossip and information about others that should have only been between the elder and whom ever he was talking with. It wouldn't be in no time that all the dirty little details would be spread around the congregation. Love among themselves had to only mean love for gossip and dirty little secrets to talk about others.

  • sir82

    Yeah had our CA recently.

    Was struck by how.....bland.....it was.

    No words of encouragement, just words of warning about what to avoid. But even those warnings seemed rather tepid.

    The applause was lukewarm. Around 1500 people, and you'd have thought you were at a golf tournament.

    It was just 2 days of.....{yawn}....blaaaah.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I understand they just completed a major retrofit of the building. They remodeled the bathrooms and ended up having to strengthen the walls etc. Haven't been there in a number of years. I used to give parts there in the early 90's. Now I won't go near that huge storage shed. Everyone in there is putting their life on hold.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I went about a month ago for only about an hour and a half to the Sunday morning part. They did a skit about the overlapping generation.

    I thought that was huge because it showed to me that no one is truly getting it. They had a guy in is late 50's questioning a elder in is late 40's over the generation change and how it really worried him as it seems this system is going to be going on for a lot longer then he was taught. He told the elder he has not retirement saved and he did not know what he was going to do. The elder read Matthew to him and said see the Scriptures have not changed we just have new understanding on them. The older brother said thank you soooooo much because it is all so clear to me now.

    I was just sitting there blown away.

    Maybe that was not at your assembly but it was huge to me. It just got to be too much for me to listen to and all I could stand was the hour and a half I had to get out of there.


  • NomadSoul

    Two days? Must've been torture!

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I was baptized there...many years ago.

  • WTWizard

    No wonder people are blowing them off. You learn nothing there. All they do is repeat the same old rules and warnings that failed to produce anything before, and wonder why so many of them turn up missing. Usually, it's do more and avoid anything that's any fun.

    As for learning where things are in the world, I find it more entertaining than going to an a$$embly. You learn nothing about countries except the excerpts that they put in the yearbook--always with the bias on what the witlesses are doing there. The same with the Asleep! rag. Sometimes you will hear from someone that did missionary work in a foreign country. But, never do you hear anything worthwhile--hence most people born into the cancer have little or no knowledge of what really goes on elsewhere, or even where things are. Just goes to show that the a$$emblies fit right in with the lousy quality of the "university education" you supposedly get reading the Asleep!.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    skeeter1: Were the seats filled to the brim? Or empty? What was the percentage of empty seats? HIgher or lower?

    There were lots of empty seats. Lots of people too, but less than last year, or so it seemed. I would say there were more filled than empty seats, but there were PLENTY of empty ones to choose from, trust me!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Yea I remember the days of the CA overflowing. Running there early to get seats. I stopped attending the CA's about 6 years ago. I could tell then that things were slowing down. I also started to notice how people would start to leave early as the last talks rounded up

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