Kingdom Hall only building to survive Tsunami...Jah Power?

by Witness 007 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • free2beme

    Maybe all the magazines now one picked up, absorbed the water too quick to cause damage.

  • smiddy

    The more I see of this type of reasoning the more ashamed I am of how gullible, naive, and stupid I was to have accepted this religion as the "truth"


  • the-illuminator81

    1. Go to an island with reed huts

    2. Build a brick kingdom hall with concrete foundation

    3. The wolf huffs and puffs the reed huts away


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes Jehoovers bricks and mortar are more powerful then Catholic straw huts!!!!

  • skeeter1

    It's the old, "My God is better then Your God" argument!

  • DaCheech

    they're selective in their experiences........... theocratic warfare/mind control

  • Mary
    If the local whore house was saved in a natural disaster, would that be credited as Satan saving it or God giving the woman a second chance? All about perspective, I guess.

    Funny you should mention that because that's exactly what's happened in the past. On November 1, 1755, a gi-normous earthquake hit off the coast of Lisbon, Portugal; by today's standards, it was on equal footing with the earthquake that hit Japan earlier this year. 40 minutes later, a 50 foot tsunami rolled in and killed anywhere from 10,000 to 200,000 people. And the irony? 20 major churches were destroyed while the brothels remained unscathed by the disater.

    I guess Satan really likes those whore-houses.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder how many other Kingdumb Hells have been destroyed. The fires in Texas must have burned quite a few. They must have lost a few in Chile, Christchurch, Japan, Haiti, and elsewhere that earthquakes have hit. Katrina must have inundated a few, as with other tropical cyclones. What about the ones buried in land slips and avalanches? Or, that were flooded when the tropical storms hit rural downstate New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire? I'm sure there were Kingdumb Hells ruined or destroyed in all those disasters.

    Perhaps, it would be more credible if they could have provided proof that no Kingdumb Hells in sound condition were destroyed or ruined during any of these disasters while worldly buildings were totally destroyed. You won't see that anywhere. You also won't see a washtowel where a Kingdumb Hell was destroyed, with a boasting session in progress, by a tornado while nothing else was scratched. You also won't see Jehovah's blessing on those missing that boasting session being trumpeted in a washtowel rag. Yet, that is as likely as the Kingdumb Hell left standing (and possibly ruined or severely damaged anyway).

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