QUESTION: Are you RELIGIOUS or SPIRITUAL? What's the difference between the two?

by Black Man 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    I would describe myself as spiritual.

    I have a firm belief in God and a higher purpose.

    But I am in no hurry to affiliate with any religious organisation.

  • PSacramento

    The moment you put spirituality into terms and into words it becomes a religion.

    The moment you put rules and regulations on a religion it becomes and organized religion.

    Organized religion is what people have issues with.

    And set of beliefs is a religion, inclusding spirituality.

    I know it nice to beleive that we palce on dogma or doctrien in our spirituality but the moment we say things to other people that their view is not correct or that THIS is what YOU believe, then you are doing just that.

    It's hard for us to admit that but that is why we, looking from the inside out, can't really judge what we do, we are afterall, bias.

    I know that people with issues against organized religion like to think of themselves as spiritual and those that follow "orthodix" religions as not but the fact is the moment you make that statement YOU are instill dogma in your spirituality and have just made it a "religion".

    Remember this:

    Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, ...

  • AGuest
    If that spirit (the "I AM") that came forth from the source was originally part of the source, and if the source is timeless, then your spirit would be too.

    I understand what you're saying, dear PSon (peace to you!), but I have to disagree. My understanding that the spirit that I am... the portion that is "me"... the LIFE form that is manifest SEPARATE from Him (although it can also be in union with him)... which form resides in its own body, whether physical or spirit... best described as the "individual" CONSCIOUSNESS that is "me"... had a beginning and CAN have an end. Hence, the lake of fire... where the body AND the spirit are destroyed.

    My understanding is that it is dependent on whether the "spirit" stays connected to the Source... or disconnects. If it stays connected, then, yes... it will have no end and so become timeless ("he who has not died... will NEVER die"), although not as He is, because that "individual" had a beginning. CAME to life (didn't start out as life).

    However, if it disconnects... then it goes "bad"... like... ummmmm... "rogue" energy/spirit. Which is utterly destructive. Because it is the OPPOSITE of life. And so, it must be destroyed. Because it then has the opposite effect/results... than the Source.

    I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • ziddina


    I'm extremely pragmatic and materialistic...

    In an animalistic way - and I don't mean that as an insult to animals.

    I tend to "stay in the moment", as opposed to wondering about or fearing my eventual demise.

  • ziddina

    Crap, I killed the thread...

  • AGuest
    I tend to "stay in the moment", as opposed to wondering about or fearing my eventual demise.

    I would like to comment, dear Zid (peace to you!), if I may... and please note that I am not directing my comments at you, personally, per se, but to the thread in general, but your comment above prompted me. First, I don't consider "stay[ing] in the moment" animalistic, per se... because (1) many animals, while perhaps not wondering about, do fear their eventual demise (which is why they run, hide, etc.). Also, (2) I live the same way ("in the moment") because (a) I can't change the past and (2) I only have so much control over the future. So, rather than worrying about the next day's anxieties, etc., I only concern myself with today. In that light, I don't wonder about... or even fear... my eventual demise: I will either die (and possibly be resurrected to life)... or not die at all (but be changed). Or... I will die and nothing will occur afterward. In either scenario, what is there to wonder about? What is there to fear? Que sera, sera...

    Now, true, as with some others, I don't WANT my husband or children to have to live without me - I know what it's like to lose loved ones, so I wouldn't wish that on ANYONE - but I certainly understand that they might is a very real possibility. Or vice verse (me without them). Regardless of what my hope, belief, or understanding of the future may be. As someone wrote, "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." I have lived that reality personally and so know it is true.

    I don't understand, though, how (and I am not directing this at you, but at the implication of some of the comments, including yours)... as long as there is a breath left in MY body... I can allow myself to give up all hope of ever seeing such loved ones again... just buy the notion that I will NEVER see those I love (say, my children, my husband, my parents, etc.) again. Ever. It's just not in ME to do. Now, is it possible that I won't? Given what I believe, I HAVE to say, yes, of course, it is entirely possible that I might not ever see these again after they/I die. My understanding of the second resurrection says this is absolutely a possibility.

    What I have come to understand, however, also gives me HOPE... that I WILL see them again or them me... that the second resurrection isn't something they or I will undergo.

    They were/are all wonderful people, IMHO. Wonderful spirits/life essences. That brought/bring great joy to a lot of people, most importantly, me. For those I have lost (my parents), if that spirit/essence is indeed gone forever, then not only have I suffered a great loss, but the universe has suffered a great loss as well. Based on what I have come to know, however, I don't believe that it is gone, that such loss IS permanent. I do believe, however, that because our own life spans are so short... in comparison to life itself... that some of us just can't imagine anything beyond "now" ("now" being while we are alive in the flesh). Just like many cannot imagine anything BEFORE "now" (heck, some can't even remember what happened earlier today, let alone when they were 2-3 years old or younger).

    Even so, if once I die that IS it as far as the memory of these who went before me goes... then I've lost nothing by keeping such ones "alive"... if only in MY heart and mind... and even if only pursuant to my beliefs. I would hope to God that those who die after me would do the same... and keep ME alive... within them. If they do so solely by means of their individuals hope/belief... so be it. But I would not begrudge ANYONE that RIGHT... or that privilege (and I am NOT saying that you have/do - again, I am not directing this at YOU, not at all). I do not believe, based on what I now understand... that just because WE (man) forget those who've died... whose impact on the world was less than others, even considered insignificant by "our" standards... the Most Holy One of Israel... God... the Source... the "Universe"... has or does.

    I am flabbergasted, however, at those who do begrudge others than right and privilege. Not meaning you, not at all, but while I get that some may need to believe in "nothing" to reconcile their own individual beliefs, confusion... and perhaps "loss"... in this way... that they believe it theirs to make others do as well is, IMHO, reprehensible. I get their chagrin, anger, and disgust at religion: I even identify with it to some degree.

    But it stops there (at religion). Just like religion has no right to force its beliefs on ANYONE... and certainly not by coercion, including subtle AND outright forms of mental abuse... others don't have that right, either.

    Crap, I killed the thread...

    Ah, no, dear, dear girl: surely you know even threads can be resurrected! LOLOLOLOL!

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • MrDarkKnight

    In that light, I don't wonder about... or even fear... my eventual demise: I will either die (and possibly be resurrected to life)... or not die at all (but be changed). Or... I will die and nothing will occur afterward. In either scenario, what is there to wonder about? What is there to fear? Que sera, sera...


  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Spiritual people reflect inward. They do not judge because they are aware of their own failings and work toward becoming more acceptable to their own beliefs.

    Religious people, on the other hand, are very qualified at pointing the finger and reminding you of all your failings while conveniently ignoring their own. They are entitled because they have been endowed by some delusion that appeals to their narcissism.

    Expressions like 'being appointed by holy spirit' seems to appeal to the religious minded. Religious people love their routines: going to Church(Kingdom Halls), counting hours in field service knocking on doors and not really talking to people; basically, anything that is considered spiritual but really isn't. Religious people love works because it gives them the power to point the finger.

    Spiritual have a relationship with God, religious people only think they do or pretend to. Secretly, they know something is wrong and it is because they are not spiritual people.

    JWs exist in an 'either-or' state. They are either 'delusional' or they choose to be in 'denial'. Whether you believe in God or not, spiritual people are happy and religious people are not.

  • AGuest

    WHOO-HOO, deae WC (peace to you!). WELL said! THANK you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Fernando

    Great post wheres caleb!

    As a SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious) simple Jesus follower I would define

    Religion as "man's search for God on man's terms" via beliefs and practices (demonic externalism and materialism).

    Spirituality is the "power that is in us but not of us" that is awoken by following the "unabridged gospel" map which represents "God's search for man on God's terms" (very generous terms they are - IMPUTED righteousness, holiness, sinlessness and more).

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