Customers arrested for trying to take their money out of Citibank & Bank of America

by flyphisher 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    is there a law about having more than a certain amount of cash on hand? (mattress)?

  • botchtowersociety

    Not to my knowledge.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I had the same problem, went into the bank to withdraw some money and got arrested!!!! Must have been my gun.

  • botchtowersociety

    I guess it depends on whose money you intend to withdraw.

  • sinis

    This will lead to bank runs. Why do you think citi and bofa turned them back? Because they do not have the money and the FDIC can only back 1.15 PENNIES on the dollar in the event of collapse/run....

  • HintOfLime


    I'm a democrat, and I move money around without any problem. We don't need bs youtube drama to make republicans do the wrong thing.

    They do that freely on their own.

    - Lime

  • botchtowersociety

    This will lead to bank runs. Why do you think citi and bofa turned them back? Because they do not have the money and the FDIC can only back 1.15 PENNIES on the dollar in the event of collapse/run....

    The FDIC is not a true private insurance corporation. If it were, you might have a point. But FDIC has the deepest pockets of all. FDIC would be bailed out in such an event--probably through an emergency line of credit from Treasury.

    And you'd have to assume an epic bank run to wipe out 1.15 percent of total deposits...

    So in theory, you are correct. In practice, however, deposits at Citi and BofA will not be allowed to be defaulted upon.

  • JeffT

    I'm pretty sure its illegal to film some one during a bank transaction without their consent. Next time you're in the bank ask yourself how you'd feel if some one was standing behind you filming everything you did.

    I also know banks won't let you in with a mask/ disguise/or head gear (such as a hood up). Watch for the signs at halloween. I noticed several people in that video that had what looked like kabuki make up on and hoodies up.

  • shamus100

    I call bullshit on that video too.

    Someone, give me my three minutes back.

  • diamondiiz

    The demonstrators against corporate greed and corruption should demand that the public withdraw their money from the banking institutions. This act alone would shut down greedy pigs manipulating the markets and controlling the public. If the public was loud enough even the Fed and the governments wouldn't stop the pig slaughter but that would also shake up the system in a REAL BIG way - would the public be prepared for the outcome???

    Eu defaults may also occur if the public starts raising their voices when it comes to Greek and other bailouts which are really bank bailouts. If the EU doesn't bailout Greece and others, German and French banks are toast which will spread throughout other countries including US and Canada and China. We may see bank runs on even a bank holiday where you don't get your money out while some sort of laws are past, possibly devaluation. The public outrage is growing and it will continue until something gives. People should have been buying the good old relic that the central banks are starting to accumulate as of late - gold.

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