Celebrating Ignorance

by breakfast of champions 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Ughhh!!!! Our recent Circuit Assy really cranked up the anti-education rhetoric. Unbelievable.

    In the experiences portion, the DO and his wife were interviewed. I almost wanted to barf. They related how they were given a book about black holes by Stephen Hawking. They said it was really hard to understand, a lot of fancy words. But, lo and behold! An Awake article came out about a month later that explained everything Hawking had said in about three, easy-to-read pages. Now that's a REAL education!

    It does not cease to astonish me how ignorance and a lack of intellectual curiosity are so celebrated by the society.

    Then again, without ignorance and lack of intellectual curiosity, they'd be out of business!

  • oppostate

    How true, BoC!

    With the language of the WT and G getting more and more watered down to Simple English it reminds me of the book 1984 where through the simplification of English the thoughts that the people could express were simplified to the point where nothing could be said against the government. Eventually even thinking against was considered a "thought crime" and a form of mental disease. They're after people's thoughts, so as to make them work for them willingly and without too much trouble.

  • NewChapter

    LOL. Someone should tell Stephen Hawking what an incompetent dip he is.

  • talesin

    Yes, doesn't the fact that we call it "the Society" make it sound like it's out of some sci-fi novel? * shivers *

    1984, indeed! I've always compared it to Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury as well. As a book lover, that story had a great impact on me. The flick is B&W, and a product of the times, but serious sci-fi for the era.


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