Cult Documentary on Sundance

by dontplaceliterature 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    It's at the point in the program where the cult-deprogramming center is speakng to the sheriff's office about the brutality done to the children, and what sort of charges can be pressed against the Pastor and his wife...

    Earlier in the program, they mentioned that the United States is "cult central" - the nation with more cults than any other nation on earth, due to our "religious freedom"...

    I think it's time to institute some controls and standards as to what constitutes a "religion" in America. One of the deprogramming center's personnel [I think that's who it was...] described how easy it is to start a "non-profit" organizaton here in America - and how many shysters and con artists take advantage of that area of low - even "no" - standards in American law.

    The U.S. could learn a LOT from European nations like FRANCE, Britain, etc, who set STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR that "non-profit" religious organizations must measure up to, to obtain that coveted "tax-free" status...

  • ziddina

    The blonde woman named "Tonya" [???] is frightening... Even though she momentarily gained enough insight to speak of the Pastor as a liar who lost his temper and beat children, when the therapists read her OWN WORDS BACK TO HER, the "programming" kicked back in, and she started spouting the Pastor's line about, "if it doesn't agree with what the Pastor says, then it's "Satan" talking in your head..."

    Un - be - frikkin - lievable...

  • ziddina

    They are being 'released' from the deprogramming center after only 14 days, and many of the former cult members are feeling very shaky about leaving... From what I've seen, they might want to consider keeping cult escapees at the deprogramming center/refuge for at least 3 weeks...

    I've read somewhere that it takes THREE weeks for a habit to become 'set'... I'm surprised that people don't realize that a three-week period would be more effective in off-setting cult influences....

  • Violia

    The link I am taken to lets me click on a link that I am then asked to pay for in advance to see. I did not, but can this be seen without paying?

  • ziddina


    Now they're filming th pastor and his wife... The first thing that popped out of BOTH their mouths, were references to WHIPPINGS...

    As they invite people into their homes...


    Is it just me, or are people of German ancestry over-represented in cult leadership???? Mrs. Pastor is talking about what a cold fish her German husband was when she first met him...

    Now Pastor [?] is talking about his childhood... Sounds like he was an indentured servant or something, at the age of 8 - 12 years old. He just described his childhood, and it was clearly the blueprint for the abuse dealt out to the children of the cult...

    In one scene, children are marched - practically GOOSE-STEPPED - to the front of the church, and ordered into FORMATION while singing the praises of the church...

    And now the former cult members are discussing how difficult it will be to confront and challenge their former pastor....

  • ziddina

    Viola, I was fortunate enough to catch it on the "Sundance" channel on TV... We pay for cable, but otherwise it's free - if you can catch it when it's scheduled to show...


  • ziddina

    This asshole pastor is now bemoaning the ingratitude of the former members who are striving against him... !!!

    Seems old "Raymond" the pastor has pulled this stunt before - I think I caught "New York State" previously. They have just mentioned that the pastor is worth FIVE MILLION DOLLARS - he's tooling around in a Mercedes convertible... AND attempting to JUSTIFY it!!

    Oh, and all these family men that were working for him ? - worked for A DOLLAR AN HOUR... AND had to sign over the HOUSES THAT THEY'D BUILT - BACK TO THE PASTOR - and PAY HIM RENT FOR LIVING IN THOSE HOUSES!!!

  • ziddina

    Oh, great.... Now Mrs. Pastor [Melz] is attempting to GUILT 'Tonya' back into the cult!!!

    of course, dummy Tonya INITIATED THE CALL!!! What the FRICK is she THINKING????

    Whoops... Never mind... Tonya initiated the call as an "undercover" agent for the former cult members' group... Now Pastor Melz is claiming that 'Alzheimers' is the reason he can't remember what he did to the children...

    And Pastor Melz just used one of the Watchtower's FAVORITE scriptures - about a rebellious child being STONED TO DEATH by the tribes of Israel...

    [my gawddammed KEYBOARD is malfunctioning and I have to re-type nearly EVERY word!!!]

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2


    Watched "Worlds Apart" last night on Sundance. My wife (never a JW) watched it with me and was quite impressed. She realized that all the horror stories I told her were actually true. And it's just as true in Denmark as it is in the USA and UK.

    The actors were all excellent, the story was even handed and quite accurate. There were a few differences (possibly due to translation or regional differences) like "rally" rather than "assembly" and some other minor problems. It should be noted that the PO / CBE wears a beard, but that seems to be common in some European countries.

    I thought it was interesting when they had the elders meeting how cold and unloving they all were toward the poor girl. It made me wince to watch it, but they ultimately relent and give her another chance.

    The real girl who the story is based on actually makes a cameo appearance at the end of the movie during a train ride.

    I'd urge everyone to take a couple of hours to watch this movie. It's far better than I would have ever imagined even having to read the subtitles. Someone needs to remake the movie with a US or Canadian background in order to reach a larger audience. After all, they are remaking all of the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movies and expect to make gazillions off of them. The Swedish versions were excellent, but fighting the subtitles can be tough, unless you have a 55+ wide screen in your living room.

    Be sure to watch for it on Sundance over the next few weeks...


  • ziddina

    Now the former members are speaking to one of the most successful anti-cult litigators in the country... Ironically, he's just stated that the mistake most former members make, is that they attempt to PROVE that the movement is a CULT.

    The lawyer states that proving the cult is a non-issue. The aspect that they are MOST likely to move on, is any illegal action on the part of the cult leader or his henchmen.

    The abuse against the children is an actionable crime - but is complicated by the fact that the pastor ALSO got the parents to abuse their own children.

    Now they're going to attempt to get some sort of confession out of Pastor Melz... Good luck with that...

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