Cleaning Day

by N.drew 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • lifestooshort

    Thank you N.drew!

  • BluesBrother

    I fail to see the connection between the annual spring clean and high risk of paedophile assaults. The O P said himself that "families" come together to work at the Hall. No doubt young children should be excluded these days on health and safety grounds. If families are together it is up to the parents to supervise their kids.

    I have heard many an announcement at Assemblies telling parents that their children should be with them at all times.

    I know that there have been shocking examples of child abuse that have not been correctly handled , but lets not be paranoid about it......

  • N.drew

    OK let's not be paranoid There are many Jehovah's Witness children who have been abused by Jehovah's Witnesses. I was just pointing out to the resistance (they who say there is no reason for reporting pediophiles because there is no contact between children and brothers as there is no Sunday frikin School) so they won't let the public know of the danger of the brothers who are at risk for attacking children in ways that are anti-social and dangerous, the resistance says "leave us alone to do our dirty works". I say ""there are enough instances where the children might be left alone with a "trusted" "brother" and to be fair "sister" who are not really a brother or a sister because they are people hiding from reality and the society is pleased to let them do so. Amen"". The reality being peace and security. I said it! Let's get this show on the road. I'm not kidding.

  • 144001

    Ah, cleaning day, the day in which ordinary rank and file witnesses get the privilege of extricating the circiut overseer's fecal smears from the porcelain altar of the kingdom hall. If cleaning brother geezer's turd smears from the toilet is insufficient to stimulate you, you could always get off on mopping his urine off the floor near the urinals, or better yet, disinfecting the seats he sat on and leaked in.

  • talesin

    The overwhelming majority of child abuse is carried out by members of the victims' own family.

    Wrong!!! You forgot to add 'or people close to the family'.

    For example,,,special pioneers, who as we know, the JW families are 'encouraged' to have to their home for meals, and 'fellowship'.

    After a complaint goes to the elders, the special pioneer gets moved to a 'new territory'.

    Yes, a 'new territory hunting ground' ....


    The congregations do indeed disfellowship abusers (try reading their policies).

    Wrong again. Policies and practice are two different things entirely.

    This one is easy ... just look up forum member Kwintestal, and you can read all about how his abuser was protected by the congregation (because he did not have 2 witnesses) on his threads. You will also read about his expose of said experience on the evening news!


    A handful of cases in a handful of 100,000 congregations over the course of 100 years doesn't say much either

    errmm,,, over 22,000 actually. You should use the internet to do some personal research. It's a great tool!


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