WTS quietly discarding end-times signs?

by ozziepost 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Back in 1995 a major change took place in the Witnesses' 'understanding' of the generation that was foretold to see the end of the current 'system of things'.

    No longer was it to be a literal generation that would see both the beginning of times of distress in 1914 and the culmination at Armageddon. Instead the WTS claimed 'new light' in interpreting the generation as applying to whichever generation of people were alive to see the final end.

    Also in 1995 another change took place that did not receive the same attention and may have remained unnoticed by the rank and file Witnesses. Repeating a point already made in a Watchtower issue of 1993, a new textbook to be used in the proselytising work (the Knowledge book) was released. In a chapter entitled "These Are The Last Days!" (chapter 11) earthquakes are omitted from the study material, so that as the reader considers each of the parts of the "sign" the paragraph that comments on Matthew 24:7 omits commenting on earthquakes. It does however include earthquakes in the list of signs on page 102 but no comment is made.

    Thus the average Witness will have overlooked the change of emphasis that the WTS was now placing on their revised understanding of the frequency of earthquakes. Now, however, the March 22nd issue of Awake! boldly states that

    All Jesus said was that there would be great earthquakes in one-place' after another.
    This bears remarkable similarity to the argument used by the WTS to minimise the impact of the 'generation change'. Already Witnesses are asking what will be next? What other parts of the Sign will be explained away in the same fashion? The WTS experienced a huge loss of loyalty by its members and especially from the elders as they fought to try and explain the new doctrine. Will this 'earthquakes' change also prove to be too difficult for some elders to explain? Is the very basis of the 1914 doctrine being eroded? This becomes crucial as the Witnesses face yet another century urging its members to greater efforts 'in view of the shortness of the days". The history of the Bible Students/Jehovahs Witnesses now spans 130 years, during which there has been a constant emphasis on the 'last days'.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • JT

    excellent point i have a jw elder rigbt now fighting this issue in his household

    how can we take all the meaning out of the words like SOON, SHORTLY , QUICKLY ETC after awhile they have no meaning at all in terms of something will take place soon- they are becoming meaningless

    and he is having a hard time trying to explain this to his family when they have thier study and those words pop up in the article

    the boys in writing are becoming a laughing stock among many inthe field
    how sad

  • jerome

    many of them still think that the world will end before all of the 1914 generation dies so watchtower isnt lying yet!

    sad isnt it.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • ozziepost
    All Jesus said was that there would be great earthquakes in one-place' after another.

    They sure do, Jerome. I've had conversations with my own relatives who like to remind me that the time is short because the 1914 generation is almost passed way. I have to remind them that they're not supposed to believe that anymore, and they're not keeping up with the 'faithful slave'. LOL


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Prisca


    So are you saying that "earthquake" that happened in the Blue Mountains last night wasn't a sign of us being in the Last Days??

    Seriously, you have brought out a good point. I didn't realise the Knowledge Book omitted earthquakes from their list of "proof" for the Last Days. Very interesting.....

  • Moxy

    you will know you are in the time of the end when the things that happen at the time of the end, do in fact, happen.

    that sounds like hugh grant for some reason...


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Makes me wonder another hundred years from now if they will still be pushing the "last days" and the "time is getting short" BS. We know that Russell was push this same crap 130 years ago.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • cyberguy

    Good post, Ozzie!

    I'd seen this before, but this is a nice review of the change! Thanks!

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Ozzzie, maybe the 'unspoken' earthquake is happening 'within' their ranks! The Bible does say that there will be a shaking of the nations.

    Guest 77

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Oz, et al,

    ``I've had conversations with my own relatives who like to remind me that the time is short because the 1914 generation is almost passed way. (??!!!)''

    The generation of 1914? ``Almost passed away?'' At Princeton, on the university's annual P day parade, the remnants of the various graduating classes pass in review on Nassau Street under their banner. Needless to say, it's been years since the retirement of the 1914 banner; if there's anyone still alive to represent that class, he's hardly in any condition to march!

    I can't tell you how many funerals of World War II relatives, uncles, cousins, my dad, I've attended over the past two years. Veterans of World War One ``passing away?'' They're long gone; the boys of World War Two are going fast; and the Korean War GIs are approaching the top rung of the ladder!

    It won't be many years before the Vietnam era ``grunts'' reach retirement age.

    How far into the sand do these overloyal, aging JWs have their heads buried?

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