Valentines Day

by Lee Elder 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    Sitting here sipping an Italian Margarita and getting ready
    to enjoy a romantic dinner with my beautiful wife of 20 years
    it just hits me - how great is this? I love Valentines Day - what
    a great holiday!

    I hope that all of you have someone to put your arm around tonight
    and tell them how much you love them. Robert Frost wrote, "Love is the
    irresistable desire to be desired irresistably." To love is to live.



  • ISP

    Yup..we had a nice meal and received a complimentary box of chocolates from the restaurant! Of course you wouldn't do this if you were a dub because of the 'pagan' connections. And dubs will say you can take your wife out anytime....but they never do!


  • ashitaka

    I'm buying my wife a nice piece of Jewelry and a day of beauty from the salon near us....good stuff.....


  • TR

    Good for you, ISP and Lee!

    I'm taking my beautiful bride of 18 years out for some prime rib and maybe a little gambling.


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • bluesapphire

    I had a great valentines day. But I felt sorry for my JW kids at the school I work at. One mom called and said, "Under no circumstances should my kids receive a single candy, cake, ice cream or especially cards!" It made me want to cry.

  • ISP

    Hey TR! Glad to see you are gambling also! What will it be? My favourite is roulette...


  • Scorpion

    My wife and I are going out to dinner tomorrow night with 12 other couples, all friends of ours. I bought my wife a new outfit, she picked it. Tonight we are just watching TV with the kids and relaxing.


  • Brymichmom

    That's wonderful Lee. I'm glad you had a great day with your lovely wife. Happy Valentine's Day to you also!


  • Scorpion


    I remember as a kid sitting in class feeling like everyone was looking at me because I was the only one not participating in the holidays. It is a lousy feeling for a kid. I have talked with several teachers about how to deal with this type of thing in class. Of course every situation is different and you will always have the hard nosed JW to deal with.

    One teacher always includes the JW kids at the parties they have in class. The teacher specifically tells the kids that the cake, candy, etc she is giving them has nothing to do with the celebration taking place. It is just a gift from her to the child. The teacher usually has a treat she brings from home that does not have Christmas, Valetines or anything related to the party. This way the child does not feel left out completely. I have not heard from any teachers I know that any of the JW parents have gotten on their case for bringing a treat not related to the party.

    I am sure glad I am not raising my kids in the JW cult.


  • ozziepost

    Mrs Ozzie and I had a luverly Valentine's Day. Firstly, I did all the laundry!! We exchanged cards, hers love-rly and mine the usual sarcastic male thing!

    Then we had a wonderful meal at an Italian restaurant complemented with a great bottle of red.

    And finished with a beautiful long stemmed red rose.

    Aren't these supposedly pagan events 'nice'? At the restaurant there were many many couples, some with babies, but all obviously enjoying celebrating their love. Fantastic!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

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