Eden =Why did Satan use a snake? Was Eve a dumb blonde....how could she?

by Witness 007 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    If Satan came down to Eden and said...."Hi there, I'm one of Jehovahs angels...wanna try this fruit?" Would have worked. I mean Eve could have said regarding the snake...."Okay for the last 100 years no animals here talked, except for Adams Parrot which calls him a "pretty boy" so I may have to talk to Jehover about this....I mean everlasting life in paradise OR......munch on this Apple.....hmmmm I dont Know, it looks yummy." How DUMB!

    And Adam who was older. Should he have said "Right so you ate from the only friggin tree Jehovah said not too.....Damn it women we have a good gig here! Okay, let me fix this.....JEHOVEER, JEHOOVER ARE YOU THERE...Oh of course he is, he knows all.....so why didn't he stop his child Eve from eating the fruit...I have a headache.."

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    My ex-study teacher said "Its because Jehovah gives us free will........"

    Im blonde. I like apples.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes Pams girl but a smart lovley blonde like you would say....."one nice apple or everlasting paradise??? Hmmmm Hmmmmm I think i'll take number 2."

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Yup, nice perky blonde. Rutherford's fave.


  • punkofnice

    It's like a lot of stories in the O/T................................complete crap! Fiction. Perhaps some grain of a true story but blown out of all proportion. Putting a 'naughty tree' in Eden sounds like Joe Hoover enjoys goading and testing people.

    Joe Hoover sounds like a sadistic sod to me!

  • WTWizard

    Dumb blonde? Every Washtowel I have ever seen with Eve pictured a brunette, and I would therefore presume that the "dumb blonde" myth is more like dumb brunettes (which are as likely to be dumb as anyone else).

    I believe it's the Washtowel that treats people as if they were that dumb, and threatens anyone that isn't with destruction.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Depends on the variety of apple?

  • Inkie

    Sometimes you guys just make me shake my head. . . . Would you please, please, try to get your “facts” straight.

    The account does not mention a “snake.” It mentions a “serpent.” The two are NOT the same. Nor does the account state that Satan “used” either a “snake” or a “serpent.” Satan IS a serpent—he didn’t use one.

    As for Eve, was she blonde? Who cares? Regardless of her hair color she was dumb and deceived. Her husband could have saved her but instead he chose to join her.

    Your headache is understandable, Witness 007. If Jah were to stop everyone from committing bad, in all your life (however old you are), how many times would He have had to stop you in your life from committing bad. Someone else here on this thread mentioned “free will.” And, yes, Jah did give us free will.

    So, what’s your point?

  • LoneWolf

    Wal, ah done been cogitatin' a bit on the question about thet thar snake in the Garden of Eden meself, an' thunk me sum thots about it. Ah'll run 'em by yu an' see if'n they makes any scents.

    This would be the first meeting of the various parties after Satan caused Adam and Eve to sin, and tension and feelings would be running high. The Biblical account would pretty much be a cut and dried reporting of events and language, and most of the color, innuendos, and interplay - such as facial expressions, body language, etc., would be left out. Sometimes these things make quite a difference and will explain a lot.

    For instance, you can say the same thing to a woman, and get a totally different reaction depending on how it's phrased: "When I look into your eyes, time stands still" will probably get you a kiss, but if you tell her "Your face would stop a clock", you might have to duck. They mean the same thing, don't they? Now try to translate them into a different language and keep the innuendos intact.

    So my thought is that maybe we should hop in our time machine and go back to the Garden of Eden and look at it as if we were there. Of course, there were only two people then, so we'll have to be something else. You'll be a butterfly on a leaf and I'll be a honeybee on a flower - okay, okay! If yer gonna be that way about it, yu can be the honeybee and I'll be the butterfly!

    We look at each other. "Hey, look! Something's up over there on the other side of the meadow!" Naturally, we buzz and flap our way over there to get a better look.

    To our surprise, Creator is highly displeased! We've never seen him that way before! Lucifer, his foreman over the construction of the earth, appears self-satisfied and defiant, and those two new critters, "people" I think they're called, although it runs in my mind that they are also known as "hoomin beans" or some such thing, are both lookin' like they swallered a bug.

    We soon find out why. It seems that Lucifer chose a real cautious varmit (the snake, which would add to his credibility) and, using it like a ventriloquist's dummy, proceeded to fill the "hoomans" clear full of a load of smelly stuff, eggzactly whot, I'd rather not say. That, in turn, caused them to do something they weren't 'sposed to.

    Then we find out what: After questioning Eve as to what they were forbidden to do and getting a correct answer that they would die if they ate the fruit of one certain tree, he states flatly,"You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad."

    Now, that's something anyone would take personally! In those few words, Lucifer told Eve that:

    1. Creator was a liar and deceiver.
    2. He was selfish and stingy with his largess.
    3. He was not perfect like he said he was and therefore unworthy of their loyalty and worship.
    4. They had a right to more than they were given.
    5. They should not be satisfied with Jehovah's headship or laws.
    6. There was a better way and that he Lucifer (later, Satan), would be their benefactor and show it to them.

    If someone pretending to be an authority snuck in behind our backs and told our families something like that about us, I reckon we'd be all bent out of shape too! The difference would be in our reactions. You and I would probably say with some enthusiasm: "Why, you @+%)*&^)$#&^%(*+%$!!!!!", then haul off and bust him in the proboscis.

    However, Creator has more couth than we do. He's angry, but that is well under control, because he is also powerful and has no need to feel vulnerable, so we could expect that his answer would be unhurried, dignified, and directly to the point. He will pronounce punishment and then waste no further time and effort on this slob. He doesn't even give the fool the honor of being directly spoken to, but he talks to the snake instead!

    And what a punishment! What he's saying in so many words is roughly this: "You pretended to be a snake, eh? So be it. I'll give you the qualities of a snake. You won't be able to do anything without using stealth, deception, and lies, just like a snake in the grass. You will be hated and avoided by most of the rest of creation and, just like I'm taking the legs off this snake so that he has to crawl on his belly, you too will be brought low in relationship to everything else." (It don't pay to mess with Creator!) You have to admit the punishment fits the crime!

    And was he brought low? Yu betcha! Sure, he has manufactured a reputation for himself that is like John Wayne toilet paper (rough, tough, and takes crap off nobody), but the reality is far different. Consider this:

    1. All we puny humans have to do is stand up and resist him and he runs like a scared jack rabbit. (James 4:7)

    2. We have the authority to get sustenance from the animals, but he has to not only ask permission, but needs to beg for it too. (Luke 8:30-33)

    3. And best of all, we humans have the authority to expose him for what he really is, and make him a laughing stock in the eyes of the entire universe. (Proverbs 27:11)

    Okay, folks, it's yore turn. Poke holes in it. (Grin)


  • journey-on
    Okay, folks, it's yore turn.

    Okay....here's mine. This is part of something I wrote in 2006. (I didn't include the first two chapters, so it may seem a little vague.)

    The Father and Son gathered together all the necessary elements and formed them into a likeness of themselves. And then the time came to activate their creation and the Father did this by breathing into the design the breath of life. He called it Man and blessed it.

    Chapter 3

    The Man was placed into a controlled area of the planet. It had been made perfect and physically beautiful while the rest of the planet was still wild and uncontrolled. This cordoned area was kept in balance by means of a device placed in the center of the garden. It was a regulator to keep the temperature, humidity, and climate perfectly synchronized. The Great One had named it the Tree of Life, for without it, the garden would quickly be enveloped by the surrounding thicket and the atmosphere would disintegrate into unpredictable weather anomalies. Every imaginable tree and flower grew in this special area and there was a multitude of life. It was a symphony of color, sound, aromas, and movement. It was a veritable paradise.

    The Man watched the plants and animals grow and multiply. He gave them each a name according to their species and enjoyed intermingling with them and taking care of his garden home. He knew his creator and every day toward evening, they would visit. The man was given the ability to communicate by means of language and with this conversational tool, he began to talk to his creator about a desire of his own. He lacked for nothing. His every need was provided for, yet there was one desire he held in his heart. He discussed it was the creator one evening.

    “Before I do this for you, Man, I am going to give you a gift. Up until now, all you have known is pleasure and peacefulness. You may still enjoy these things, but once I give you this gift, it will be your choice whether to continue your peaceful abode or seek something else. He guided him to the center of the garden where the Tree of Life stood quietly imparting its life giving elements into the air. Nearby, He planted another tree. This tree was especially beautiful and fruitful.

    He turned to the Man and said, “With this tree, I give you the gift of free will. Hear me now, my creation, my earthly son. This tree will be called The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I command that you not partake of the fruit of this tree. You must not even touch it. Every other tree in this garden you may eat from, but not this one. I tell you today that if you do, you will die. The choice is yours.”

    Now that you have the gift of free will, I will fulfill your desire. You are right, my son. All the animals have mates. You deserve a companion as well. I will perform the procedure tomorrow. Rest well and contemplate your gift. It is a valuable gift and you must use it well.

    With that, The Great One began the Grand Drama. He called all the Originals together and told them of these new developments.

    “I want one of you to be a Watcher of the Man and his companion. You must be discreet, even invisible. If they choose to eat just one piece of the fruit of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, report back to me at once. Everything will change. A new vibration of disobedience will go forth, and heretofore, there has never been such a vibration in the universe. There have only been obedience and faithfulness.”

    After some discussion, one of the Originals was chosen for the task and then they were dismissed. The Creator prepared for the procedure that would create a companion for The Man.

    The next day, The Great One put the man into a deep sleep and took a portion of bone and marrow from his body. With this, he cloned another body. However, he added a small alteration in the Man’s DNA and the resulting “clone” was different, yet similar. The Creator called it WoMan and the man was very pleased with his companion when it was presented to him later. The creator explained The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil to the WoMan as well and reiterated the consequences of partaking of the fruit.
    Time passed and the Man and WoMan grew to love one another deeply. They took care of the garden together and every evening enjoyed visiting with The Great One.

    What then transpired was not foreseen nor expected by The Great One, the Originals, nor the Others. When The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was placed in the center of the garden as a gift of free will to Man, it also instigated a change in the Watcher. Day after Day, the Watcher observed the Man and WoMan. Now this Original was given the power to disguise himself so as not to be recognized observing the pair. Sometimes he would scamper about as a squirrel. Sometimes he would be a gazelle discreetly drinking at the water hole nearby, or, his personal favorite, a slithering snake hiding in the grass beneath The Tree itself. But day after day, the pair faithfully obeyed the command not to eat of The Tree’s fruit. The Watcher began to contemplate this idea of free will. This gift had not been given to the Originals nor the Others. There was no such temptation placed within their reach. The concept began to occupy his thoughts until one day he figured out a way to take free will for himself, not as a gift but as a right to possess.

    He made a choice without discussing it with The Boss. He decided he would make the pair more curious about The Tree; force a choice. Up until now they simply ignored The Tree. It really wasn’t hard to just say “no”. There were so many other beautiful trees in the garden with tasty fruit growing on them, that ignoring The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil wasn’t difficult at all. So he devised a plan.

    In his observations, he had determined that the WoMan was still learning about the ways of the garden and its life forms and vegetation and was very curious about everything. She was always surprised at something, like the first time she saw a butterfly emerge from its cocoon or a baby duck hatch from an egg.

    He would speak to her in the form of a serpent. Just because she had never observed this before, didn’t mean it wasn’t possible. He was certain this is how she would think. And he was right.

    Careful thought had told him that the first seed he should plant is doubt. If he could get her to doubt the certainty of the stated consequences, he could replace it with a different possibility. Get her to think for herself. Let her experience the feeling of the power to think independently. After all, that’s exactly what was happening to himself.

    And when he finished talking to the WoMan, he was convinced she was going to disobey. He had told her that she would not die but would become like The Great One and the Originals, really knowing what power was all about. She would realize things that would change her life. The decision was in her hands. She could obey the Man and The Boss, or she could make an independent decision on her own and taste the goodness of the forbidden fruit.

    She reached up and picked an especially succulent-looking fruit and bit into it. Nothing happened at first, and then she felt the sudden rush that comes with exercising one’s free will. The Watcher felt it, too. In that very moment, everything changed.

    She was excited, breathless with the desire to share this experience. She went to the Man and enticed him. The power of this feeling transformed into a heated sexual urge and together they partook. Afterwards, they realized what had happened, but every time they looked at each other knowingly, the sexual desire would stir. The thrill of disobeying The Great One was enticing. They finally had to hide their nakedness to cover up the obvious.

    It was getting close to evening when the creator would come visit. And right on time, there he was. When he saw that they had covered their usually nude bodies, he knew something was amiss.

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