what has the watchtower society done to benefit mankind?

by bigmac 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bigmac

    what i mean is---has the WTS/JW's/IBSA-- or whatever organisation or legality they hide behind---ever done to really benefit some sector of humanity on a practical basis?---

    it must be me--but i really cannot see some poor person--starving in a third world famine--regarding the chance of a free home bible study as high on their list of priorities.

  • james_woods

    I am pretty sure that we had this thread about 3 or more weeks ago - and that nobody could come up with a single thing, with the exception that somebody thought that fighting before the supreme court for the right to refuse to salute the flag was very cool.

  • bigmac

    aah--i was on holiday then--so missed that topic--did it get much response?

  • james_woods

    A couple of pages or more - it turned off topic onto the supreme court issues, and I had to issue several citations.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    What has the WTBTS done to benefit mankind? ..................................I'm scratching my head!...........I'm coming up with nothing, sorry.

  • ohiocowboy

    They have shown other religions how NOT to do things!

    They have forced the medical industry to come up with alternative and sometimes creative ways of saving lives without having to use blood. I am not saying that it was all due to the JW's, but they did have a part in it, no matter how small. On the flip side though, any good they have done has been overshadowed by the deaths they have caused due to their archaic blood doctrine. So I guess it is a wash...

  • N.drew

    Maybe borg is a warning. Maybe Borg would be if we were not prepared to shake down the Borg.

    Can I get personal? If it wasn't for the Org I wouldn't be an apostate. I love being oh god.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ..................still scratching!

    Now, if you were to ask: What has the WTBTS done to harm individuals? No brainer! Let me tell you the ways: .....................................


    The Watchtower Society has given hope to millions of people. Ok! They didn’t deliver on their promises and screwed up a lot of lives but giving hope is what religion is all about.

    Their mistake was to foolishly promise that their members would never grow old and die! Most churches teach that the payout or reward comes after death. Sneaky, because dead people don't talk or complain on web sites. Once t he Watchtower Society catches on and offers an invisible reward, they will have a sound business plan.

  • moshe

    Clean windows, clean floors, bathrooms & carpets and a new roof, that is what JWs do best for mankind- for pay of course. JWs are social parasites who suck all the good the can from Caesar's social/welfare programs and give nothing back to the community- they are the epitome of a religious tapeworm.

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