Da Preeching Werk. Need help

by ranmac 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ranmac

    An irritating debate I have with my dad is about the Dubs and their preaching work. He feels they are the only group actively spreading the bibles message and this is another proof of their being the true religion. I have pointed out that other religions actively preach and pointed out flaws in the witness method of preaching blah blah blah. Like all witnesses he is an innerant believer in the bible, so can anyone give me any good scripture based arguments or links to that can help me maybe break thru is mental block? Im sure there are many that I havent thought of.

    Also good counter points on the need for an earthly organization would be great too.

    Much Agave Love!


  • Atlantis

    Luke 9:49-50 New World Translation online http://www.watchtower.org/e/bible/lu/chapter_009.htm * * 49 In response John said: “Instructor, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he is not following with us.” 50 But Jesus said to him: “Do not YOU men try to prevent [him], for he that is not against YOU is for YOU .” * * * Atlantis

  • Shador

    Show him that and I fully expect he will come back with Luke 11:23:

    He that is not on my side is against me, and he that does not gather with me scatters.

    He will not see the profound irony in this. Apparently Jesus has a very poor memory.

    In seriousness, a possible explanation for the contradiction, within Christian theology, is that in chapter 9, the man was working in Jesus' name, just not associated with the band of disciples. While in chapter 11, he was referring to being on HIS side, i.e., believing on him. Of course, this explanation would make JWs uncomfortable, since it could be taken to mean that Jesus is unconcerned with what brand of Christian you are, so long as you believe on him. Seems a nice logical explanation to me, but hey, what does a Pagan know about Christian theology.

  • jay88

    I assume you have not read COC or In search of Christian Freedom, by R.Franz


  • rebel8

    There is a scripture about not preaching at homes. I don't remember what it is. I always thought that was a pretty profound argument against the dub way of doing it, house to house.

  • man oh man
  • ziddina

    Ask your dad how many not-at-homes the Jehovah's Witnesses have to deal with, in going door-to-door...

    Then point out that Jesus never went door-to-door; he preached in the city centers and on the thoroughfares...

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