Finding Serenity and Enduring in Our Struggle After Learning “The Truth About The Truth” (TTATT)

by Greybeard 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Greybeard

    There is a prayer often recited by people in various types of recovery programs called the Serenity Prayer. Here the short version:

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    I have recited this prayer myself many times but I often fail to grasp the meaning of it. Why? Because at times I still try to change the things I cannot change. I have spent countless hours worrying about my family that are still Jehovah’s Witnesses. Wondering “how can I open their eyes to the truth about the truth”? I believe this is a natural phase we all go through. This has been a very difficult time for me and I have not had much serenity ever sense I learned “TTATT”. There is another very popular saying among recovery groups and it is, “Let go, Let God”. That one has always hit me hard because I know it is bases on scripture… one of my favorites here at Phiippians 4: 6-7, “Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.”

    That sounds great doesn’t it? “The peace of God that excels all thought” sounds to me like perfect serenity. In my case, this is easier said than done. To not be “anxious over anything” is almost an impossibility for me! I can pray and let my petitions be known to God but I sure have a hard time not being anxious. Why is that? Could it be I fail to let go? Like the popular saying goes, “Let go, let God”. I honestly think that is what my biggest problem is. Even though I hand my problems over to God, I don’t fully let go.

    So how do we let go? I believe the entire Serenity Prayer might shed some light on this:

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.

    If one could actually live by these words he would no doubt find serentity. If we are not finding serenity then we must be doing something wrong. I know I have been. I do try to live “one day at a time” and when I truly apply that, I do worry less. “Enjoying one moment at a time” is difficult for me. It helps if I get out of the house and go for a walk outside. When I am at home I tend to check my e-mail often and hang out on X-JW forums and web sites most of the time. I hope this is just a phase that I can grow out of because it is not helping my serenity. What it does do is make me more and more upset with the GB/Borg/Watchtower and I tend to hold a huge resentment. I need to realize that Christ is going to take care of them in his due time and “let go, let God”. Give it over to him and get out of the way. Not that I won’t write anymore articles about the Watchtower. I feel a need to contribute any truth I find about the “truth”. What I mean is I need to not be so absorbed in it all the time. Reading the Bible and meditating on Gods word is far more productive than talking trash about the “borg” online. IMO

    I would like to ask you a question, have you found serenity? If so, how? What do you do? Any suggestions would be helpful to all of us. I welcome your comments.

    Your brother in Christ,


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  • jaguarbass

    Serenity for me is a one day at a time deal. I surrender my will to God and then sooner or later I take it back when I'm feeling better

    then when feeling better leads to being upset, I have to surrender to God again.

    I agree, I find more peace reading the bible, then reading the post here.

    Reading the post here is an indulgence I give myself when I take my will back.

    Back in the 80's and early 90's I went to AA for 7 years and 5 of those years was nirvana, heaven on earth.

    But Nirvana takes work and I back slid and stopped going to meetings.

    When things are going my way I'm pretty content and serene.

    When things dont go my way, I say the serenity prayer, and the our father prayer.

    Lifes a journey. Good luck

  • N.drew

    A difficult question. Thank you for defining TTATT for me.

    I am dedicated to The Holy One of Israel before I did the dedication and baptism thing with Jehovah's Witnesses. So my serenity (but as you know, I'm not always "calm") comes from being born again in Jesus Christ and believing "God's will be done". Not my will, God's will. That is what (I believe) "take up your stauron and follow Jesus continually" means. It doesn't have to do with suffering, it has to do with steadfastness, until whatever end is inevitable . Doesn't it mean fear God more than the end?

  • 00DAD

    I enjoy serenity all the time ... as fleeting moments that quickly come and go.

    I just try to recognize them when they happen, to be in that moment and not miss it. Also, when I do experience these temporary moments of serene bliss, it is important to not try to hold on to them to tightly for then they will ever the more quickly slip away. But instead I need to "hold on loosely", gently allow myself to let it envelop me and surround me, to let it linger ere it floats away.

    I know it will pass, but at least I can experience it for awhile. It has gotten better knowing that--although I might not feel that way NOW, at this exact moment--I will feel that way AGAIN. When will it come? I never know. I just know that it will. And I have to be aware enough not to miss it when it does ... I will be ready.

    Your mileage may vary!

  • startingover

    If you are wanting some sort of panacea, then I think you are chasing a fantasy. It's been said, life sucks and then you die. In my case, coming to grips with this life being all there is, was not easy, but I have felt much more serenity since I took god out of the equation. Worshipping someone who will kill you if you don't is not condusive to serenity IMO.

    When you say Christ will take care of it in the future in his due time, how is that any different than the WT paradise carrot? I'm convinced that many people cannot deal with the harsh reality we all face and grasp onto the fantasy that they are most comfortable with.

  • Greybeard

    @startingover, as if you never fantasize... This song is for you brother

  • LV101

    Greybeard -- appreciate your post and i've always loved hearing the serenity prayer and think it's the greatest prayer ever. thank you for posting/sharing because i forget about it. what helps me is the one about believing/accepting i'm powerless over others (another 12 step line/co-dependent groups use). too bad the watchtower isn't powerless over others! worrying about our families causes much anxiety.

    Thanks for sharing the scriptures and the "Let go and let God" slogan --- another jewel. Hope is good.


  • jakeyen

    well for me, im still IN, although i now know "TTATT"

    i find serenity by accepting that all of us sins, everyone JW or non-JW

    attending meetings at the KH is the same as reading forums like this one

    i only attend meetings for fellowship and not for doctrine, i open this forum and the like for knowledge and not for doctrine

    i like to select only few lines from that prayer which i find it helpful to me or to anyone else

    Accept the things I cannot change

    Living one day at a time
    Enjoying one moment at a time

    ---- these three lines were real to me, they were all i needed to give me peace

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