Would you hire a JW?

by MrFreeze 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShadesofGrey

    In the past I have hired many JW's. I can count around 20 or so and have only ever kept 1. The others were always eager to leave early, call in so that they could go out with the C.O. that day in service, always thought that they should be given favors/raises over other non-JW employees that I hired, and never wanted to work weekends when we were overloaded.

    So, yes, in the past I have hired JW's. I haven't hired any in a long time after getting burned time and again.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I'm just trying to get over PSacramento saying the JW in his mid 30's is OLDER!!!!! I'm not OLDER yet am I!!?!??!?!? I still get carded about 1/2 the time...

  • PSacramento

    LOL, he is older than the 18 year old sweetie, not that mid 30's is "older".

    I am 42 so mid 30's is younger for me ;)

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    ok i can breath now I thought my life was over for a second!!FS

  • punkofnice

    I would hire the best candidate for the job. In the UK we have the 'discrimination' thing. So. I wouldn't discriminate......but would the JW you might hire?

  • MrFreeze

    As long as you don't say you are not hiring them because of religion, they can't say discrimination. They can imply you were, but can't prove it. My experience with JW's (having been one) is they do not have flexible hours and will not work overtime. Not only that, but they (for the most part) will preach at work. JW's claim they are model employees but I see non JWs that work a lot harder and are more practical to hire. You have to cater to JWs way too much for them to be useful assets over someone else.

  • Glittercake

    For an odd job that has a beginning and end, perhaps, but not as a full-time employee. Sorry to say that I have trust issues with many of the JWs that I know. Don't trust them as much as my worldly friends.

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