"Demand Watchtower to Publically Apologize" Petition

by DT 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    Here is the petition. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/exjwspetition/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=system&utm_campaign=Send%2Bto%2BFriend

    I'm not involved with that petition, but I have signed it and I think it is a good idea. There is a thread here that discusses the idea of having a petition about recent Watchtower articles labeling apostates as "mentally diseased" and praising the "slaughter of apostates". http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/216478/1/Should-There-be-a-Petition-Asking-the-Watchtower-Society-to-Retract-its-Mentally-Diseased-Statements

    I think it's extremely unlikely that the Watchtower Society will ever apologize or retract those statements. However, a petition could be newsworthy and might highlight the stubborness and lack of compassion of the Watchtower Society. I also think it is important that the Watchtower Society recieve a formal request to retract it's statements as this could assist prosecutions and even lawsuits in certain countries if the Watchtower Society is properly notified of it's damaging statements and refuses to issue a retraction.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Are you kidding?

    They'll never do it.

    They completely lack empathy, and so do all of their followers.

    What a waste of time.

  • Reality79

    I've signed the petition anyway.....

  • DT

    "Are you kidding?

    They'll never do it.

    They completely lack empathy, and so do all of their followers."

    We know that, but a petition might help the rest of the world to see it.

  • Borgia


    What may be more interesting is not the petition itself but the refusal to accept the petition and subsequent non conformity that ensues. That's would be an infomercial.

    Perhaps this petition could be posted at care2causes. This may attrack some liberal lending people hanging out there other than ex Jw's.



  • cantleave

    Signed for what it's worth!

  • sir82

    It's a noble effort and all, but...

    A petition where a large percentage of the signers are "anonymous"? Or signed with a single name?

    Isn't a real petition of some value because the signers can all, at least in theory, be tracked down and their signature verified?

    Good luck, anyway.

  • Joliette

    I dont know if this is ever gonna happen. I can only hope that I'll see the day ;)

  • dozy

    Has the WTBTS ever apologised for anything (other than the lame 1975 apology in the yearbook in 1980?) They see themselves as God's prophet - they don't do apologies...

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