i feel a little guilty

by jerome 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    Ain't it great to see two different writing styles from the same poster? At least when I changed my style to fit Jerome's, I could stay consistent.

  • flower


    dammmit, everything i try to reach out and help someone its one of these freakin jerks! i was thinking it after reading the first few posts in this thread but gave him the benefit of the doubt. but this last post is so transparent.

    dont they have troll school to help these loser learn this or is this just a troll school dropout?

    anyway i would say that i wont bother trying to help anyone else but i have a feeling the society would just love it if we all said that so screw the trolls.


  • jerome


    if you really want to know the truth you are going to have to research for yourself.


    with regards to this organisation

    eventhough you may have seemingly irrefutble evidence against it they almost always have an explaination [logical] for everything.
    so when you listen to them you almost cant help to think that they may have a point.

    but now i think i may have found questions that they cannot anwser to my satisfaction [at least at first]

    it is as if i am using this site to try to close my mind to their way of thinking because they can be very convining.
    [i justify partially blocking out my mind to their reasoning because of the mind controll thing]

    have i done research.

    i went through most of watchtower.observer.org

    and many other sites that i cant recall now.

    i am doing the research and finding anwsers but varifying their vadility is another thing.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • larc


    Take the following steps.

    1. Call up your girl friend.
    2. Ask to go to a meeting with her.
    3. Go to the Kingdom Hall library.
    4. Look up the quotes regarding 1975 in the bound volumes of the Watchtower.


    Hey larc,this guy is hilarios.He can`t decide whether to respond like an older person or a teenager.He can`t decide whether to write properly or like an idiot.He can`t decide whether he knows nothing about WBTS or to tell us all about it.He dosen`t care you`ve tried to help him,he cares if I think he`s a troll.Nothing adds up.You`ve been cracking me up all night.Copying this goofballs writing style,sending him to the hall.You were just as bad on elke`s thread,I near spit my beer all over the key board.Lets go have some more fun..LOL...OUTLAW

  • jerome


    are you just looking for a response?


    well apparently you are.
    [what would happen if i stopped responding]


    everytime i try to help someone it turns out to be one of these jerks


    there is nothing wrong with helping people
    i would say sorry if i knew what it was i did to become a jerk


    i am illeritate


    very much so.
    wheres my dictionary?


    an illeriate idot!


    you are intiteled to your opinion
    [now we have resorted to name calling]


    that last post was so transparent


    flower if you were following my discussion with OUTLAW you would know that from the first time i appeared here i was called a troll.

    nothing new. apparently alot of newbies are. [you move up from newbie pretty quickly]

    how many people in one am i supposed to be. with how many different writing styles.
    [i would use another name on this board but i want my posts to increase so that i can move up in status.]


    sometimes i seem to know very little about the jw religion and others i seem to know more than an honest newbie.


    i told you that i have been researching the org

    for once could some one please tell me on this board what is the definition of a troll.
    [on this board it dosent seem to have the same meaning as other other sites]

    what does a troll do?

    mabe then i could start pointing fingers too.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!


    Hey Flower,nice to hear from you.Trolls pop up all the time,don`t let it discourage you.Soon you`ll be able to spot them.I would never give up helping newbies.Just like I would never give up roasting trolls.(LOL)Your doing good here girl,its nice to have you on the board...OUTLAW

  • larc


    A troll is someone who won't have a home bible study with his girl friend. He won't go to the Kingdom Hall to see what it is like. He won't take the time to go to the Kingdom Hall library and determine for himself, whether the quotes he has seen are true or not. A troll is someone who runs us around the block, when it is up to him to finish his research and make up his own mind.

  • jerome

    i'm getting a little bored of defending myself

    so mabe this is your natural charm

    really it bores me. you bore me

    Oh by the way

    THANK YOU thank all of you that responded to my questions

    [it was brought to my attention that i dident care that you were helping me]

    good bye OUTLAW it was fun while it lasted

    well i tried to prove my case

    but then again it doesent add up

    i have stuff to do

    [you probally think that i'm off to read my watchtower]

    oh well

    i guess you'll have to find another newbie to pick on from now.

    dont worry you can even call them "jerome if you like "

    but i said what i had to say. if i think youre willing to listen mabe we can chat sometime.


    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • Satanus

    Bye gerome!!

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