Reflections over the year! Thanks!

by VeniceIT 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    Hi everyone, I just looked at my profile the other day and realized that I'd started posting over a year ago. In some ways it all seems so short this past year, like a blur in my life. Yet I feel that I've gotten to know so many of you so well, I can't believe it's ONLY been a year.

    One thing that's really strange for me is the fact the No one I talk to or know has known me for more then 2 years!!! Outside my parents of course they've known me for 10, anyway like Mulan and gang, they seem like family, like I've known them my whole life and yet I just met them in May of 2000.

    It seems a lifetime away that I was JW, and yet I remember my friends and family as if I'd seen them yesterday. The mind is a strange thing!

    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • VeniceIT

    Well, a lot's happened to me in the past year, and most of it's been for the good! I like my job, much happier, have some friends and have found an inner peace. I'm not as upset as I was about all that's happened, I guess time does heal wounds.

    I just wanted post this to say thanks for everyone who's been here to support me. I know I usually come across happy and perky, but there were several times when I didn't know if I could go on, the pain was to much to bear, and your smiles and comments and jokes got me through it. I've been able to bear my feelings and emotions on this board in a way I can't in real life. I guess I feel comfortable here, and trust you all enough.

    I just wanted to let people who are going through it now to see that yes the wound is always there, but the anguish diminishes with time, love and support, and I hope that if you can't find it in your lives you'll find it here on this board like I did.

    I luv you all and want to wish you the best Valentine's Day Ever!!!! My first! ahha whoohoo


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Prisca


    You're one of the sweetest gals on this site, and your warmth and humour has helped make this a special place.

  • mommy

    I just saw this link on Gil's thread. I missed it before sorry. Has it really been a year since we have met? Wow time flies! You are such a funny person and I bet we would have a blast with an all night pajama party, I always thought we clicked, there aren't many with our weird sense of humor. hehe Course I will be moving down close to you soon, so maybe you can introduce me to Happy hour

    Something you said caught my eye. I forgot when I first left the org how hard it was to start all over. Even when filling out a job application etc, I had no personal reference outside of my family. Too strange to be in this big bad world all alone. I love this site and all of those who have a place to come and share and grieve and laugh together!

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • siegswife

    I haven't been lurking around that long, but ditto...what Priscia said.

  • Princess

    Hey Ven! Congrats on your year here. I am working on your birthday present. These complicated things take time but it'll be worth the wait. Should be able to mail it by the end of the week.

    Glad you all had a good time last week with my parents. Wish I could have been there too!


  • puzzled

    Happy anniversary

    what a sweet post. AAHHhh.


  • ladonna


    Congratulations on "over a year", and how much better your life is.

    You sure are one sweet lady.


  • Perry

    Thank you for being here for others too Venice.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    (((vennie))) WELOVEYOUTOO!!!

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