Wife wants a Family Study after the special talk...but initially refuses Bible only study.

by garyneal 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EdenOne

    Here's the reason:

    "Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah’s visible organization in mind." (The Watchtower; 10/1/1967; pp. 587)

    "We have the opportunity to show love for our brothers who take the lead in the congregation or in connection with Jehovah’s visible organization worldwide. This includes being loyal to "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47) Let us face the fact that no matter how much Bible reading we have done, we would never have learned the truth on our own." (The Watchtower; 12/1/1990; pp. 19)

    *** w81 2/15 p. 17 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible? ***
    From such experiences it can be seen that Jehovah God caused the Bible to be written in such a way that one needs to come in touch with His human channel before one can fully and accurately understand it. True, we need the help of God’s holy spirit, but its help also comes to us primarily by association with the channel Jehovah God sees fit to use.—1 Cor. 2:6-10.


  • BluesBrother

    Seems like the Special Talk did not exactly bring "perfect family happiness" !

    Sorry for your troubles Garyneal......I hope things settle down again.

  • garyneal

    Thanks for the responses, everyone. I have asked her before why she feels like she cannot learn about God by reading the Bible alone and her answers range from "we cannot rely on our own reasoning" to "you've done it yourself, what have you learned?" I only agreed to the NWT because I know that if I made too big an issue over the translation (as I have done in the past) she will not concede. I guess I had to at least give some ground in order to keep the ragazines out.

    Funny thing is, she would not even concede that bible gateway was a valid site for biblical translations until one of the brothers from her congregation mentioned it to me at his last visit. It is amazing the level of brainwashing these witnesses have that prohibit them from looking at any information that did not originate from the Watchtower. I guess all I can do is pity them.

    The Searcher: Does that man still attend meetings at your last congregation?

    DATA-DOG: I told her about the Candice Conti case and even posted the video of it on my facebook wall (that she can see). I normally, out of respect for my wife, don't post unflattering things about Jehovah's Witnesses on facebook but this one made me think because the abuses happened during field service and my wife will on occasion take the kids out in service.

    Carla: Thanks for the response and suggestions. I know for a long time you have had problems with your witness and I recall you stating that you would (or perhaps had) taken your children to various churches. I was thinking of attending church with my kids again to at least expose them to what other Christians really are because I know they will get a generalized (and often wrong) view if them Jehovah's Witnesses. However, I am reluctant as I no longer believe in the exclusive claim that Christian have to God's grace and I do not want my children learning to fear Hell as much as I did.

  • garyneal

    I think my wife seems to forget that we live in a divided household no matter how many times I try to remind her of it. I try not to used the headship card and prefer to be egalitarian in our marriage but she is so often disrespectful to my opinions are perspective, particularly when it regards the Bible and religion, that I sometimes wonder if she really pays attention when they say that wives should respect their husbands. She certainly does not look any different than any other Christian who cherry picks the teachings they like and ignore the rest.

  • FayeDunaway

    Gary, if you want to protect your children, join another church and bring your kids, get involved with children's programs and social events so that they make friends. Choose a nice liberal church that doesn't teach hełł, and stick with it. Be involved in your children's social life. Your wife won't do it, so you organize play dates with non witness families.

    there are lots of good children's bible study books, you can go to a bookstore and check them out.

  • TheListener

    Garneal, my wife could not tell you what the current WTS teaching is on most subjects other than trinity, blood, hellfire, heaven and the end is soon soon soon, but she believes everything and attends regularly.

    We have come to an unspoken agreement where we basically don't discuss witness stuff in our home. I can't imagine what stress trying to do a regular reading of the bible together would cause.

    I have found that in the past when I have made what I think is a great point with her and that maybe just maybe she agreed, it only lasted until the conversation was over and then she forgets all of it and continues on as if no discussion happened.

    Good luck with your bible reading but don't hold out too much hope that it will magically help her see TTATT. The 'wait on Jehovah' or 'we'll understand it in the new system' is their ultimate fallback no matter what they hear or learn.

  • garyneal

    No, I hold no such hope anymore that she can ever be reasoned with on matters of TTATT. I just try to get my kids to reason on matters of faith whenever we talk about it.

    Thanks everyone. I will do this Bible reading but I fear the worse happening and we will ultimately just scrap the whole thing.

  • Giordano

    A universalist church is pretty liberal Pick one with a woman pastor! One of those with a good rock band and great programs for children.

    Is your wife their stepmother or birth mother?


    You seem really cool. I can't imagine any reasons for you to be disrespected in your own home.

    Anyway... This is just a suggestion. Have you ever asked your wife is she REALLY believes that what Jesus said is "The Truth"?? If she says , "Yes", read her that scripture about the "spirit of truth" ( there is no "the" in Koine Greek) leading Christs' followers to truth.

    So if she was on a deserted isle, and a crate washed ashore containing, among other things, the bible, could she learn truth with the help of the "spirit of truth"??? Or would a crate of WT and Awake magazines need to wash ashore every month ( some containing errors ) for her entire life span??


  • garyneal

    She is their birth mom, Giordano.

    I recall a pastor making the same scenario regarding the Bible vs Watchtowers/Book of Mormom/Writings of Ellen G White, etc..

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