what does the watchtower teach that is right.

by jerome 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • jerome

    Ok i know what you are going to say.

    So you dont have to say it.

    Could you PLEASE bear with me for a second here.

    This organisation cant be all bad even though overall it is.

    most of you may reluctantly hold the opinion that every thing the watchtower currently teaches isnt all bad so could you please give your honest opinions as to what you think is good about the org.

    So what is there that can be said about it and its teachings that is good.

    Especially about prophecy. What prophecies have actually come true. Please mention if others have also predicted these prophecies after all they are not the only ones claiming to have seen prophecys fulfilled.

    May i ask you to show a manner of objectivity so that you do not let your emotions cloud your judgement.

    I know that it is hard but could you please try.

    Thank you in advance.

    this is sure to be a hot topic.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • badwillie

    The answer:

    1. The fact that ALL religion is false.
    2. Religion is a snare and a racket!
    3. Do not put your trust in man.

  • voltaire

    Love your wife and kids
    be honest
    don't kill
    don't steal
    don't commit adultery
    respect others points of view

    (note that you asked what does the WT "teach", not "practice" that is right.)

  • rem

    The organization provides a safe haven for nut jobs and wackos who would be dangerous to both themselves and society in the real world. :)

    Seriously though, as far as their teachings, many of their teachings are good on the surface (love your neighbor, don't lie, cheat, steal, etc.) but when it comes down to it, do they really practice what they preach? I suppose it is similar to many other religions. The big difference, though is that many of their teachings are actually quite harmful (shunning, blood, etc.)


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Valis

    Voltaire, since when have JWs ever respected anyone else's views?

  • Satanus
  • voltaire


    I would say that they teach that freedom of religion and conscience, which amount to respect to other's points of view, are admirable. they couldn't survive if the rest of world didn't allow them as much. Of course, they just don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot. This post asks what they teach that is right. It doesn't say they have to apply it themselves.

    BTW some of their teachings produce quite contradictory results. Who can deny that they TEACH respect for life? Then they turn around and let their children die because a blood fraction isn't on the approved list! Teaching respect for life is good, too bad they're so screwed up they can't put it into practice when it counts.

  • moman

    Someone said, "they say but do not perform", who was that........?

  • Liberty

    Your logic in presenting the topic is flawed from the start. Just because a philosophy may have some practical rules or "good" values burried in it shouldn't justfy it or protect it from criticism. Nazism tought some "good" values that most people can agree with too but it was still evil in its totality. If I cut your head off while giving you a million dollars or saying a friendly hello does that make me a partially good person? If something or someone is mostly evil then they are evil. The Watchtower teaches mostly dangerous life-rejecting nonsense which on the whole unnecessarily causes pain, suffering, wasted delusional lives, and sometimes even death for its followers all in the pursuit of a completely imaginary goal. It is a FACT that the Watchtower has consistantly promised what it cannot deliver. Even traditional Christianity only promises the unprovable of life after death. The Watchtower has promised generation after generation that they would not die and yet all of them are dead or will be soon. This is FACT, plain and simple. It is evil to promise something which costs people their whole lives and then not deliver on it, especially if you know the promise is false. The Society knows it is a lie because the evidence is irrefutable and yet dupes new generations with the same old trick. EVIL, pure evil.

  • Carmel

    Are you asking about which bible doctrins they may have accidently gotten right or social teachings that they preach (whether or not they practice them)?


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