Are Jehovah's Witnesses Happy?

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  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
    I know/ knew a couple of " happy" JWs. That's the reason they haven't awakened.
  • fastJehu

    Yes - JWs are hppy - because they live in the "spiritual paradise"

    WT 2015-07-15 page 9 § 13

    The existence of a spiritual paradise in the midst of a wicked, corrupt, and loveless world is a modern-day miracle! The wonders about Jehovah’s organization, or “Zion,” and the truth about the spiritual paradise must be joyfully passed on “to future generations.”

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Of course Jehovah's Witnesses are happy...silly!!! What JW doesn't like hearing about a fellow believer who has just committed suicide from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, or a fellow believer who has committed self-murder by bleeding to death on an operating table?

    What JW doesn't like hearing Service Meeting announcements about friends and loved ones being publicly reproofed and worst yet being disfellowshipped or disassociated?

    What JW parent or grandparent doesn't like going through life shunning your children and grandchildren?

    What JW doesn't like reaching retirement age with zero, nada, zip in savings?

    What married JW doesn't like being told what type of sex he/she can or cannot have with his/her mate?

    What JW doesn't like sitting through boring...and I mean boring meetings?

    What JW doesn't like being viewed/labeled as 'spiritually weak' by JW A-holes in the congregation?

    What JW doesn't like being told how much education he/she can have or not have?

    What JW doesn't mind not being able to defend his faith because he/she doesn't know what the hell his beliefs are due to the GB's constant adjustments, updates and contradictions?

    What JW doesn't like going to a meeting where you have a room full of divorced, separated and otherwise unhappy married couples?, of course Jehovah's Witnesses are happy!

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    On a personal note, I was having crying fits in the Kingdom Hall and anxiety attacks out in field service. Happy as can be.
  • whathappened
    Someone said being a JW in the internet age is "a constant fight against reality." That really is a good foundation for happiness now, isn't it?
  • stuckinarut2

    Governing Body:


  • idiotnomore
    They are constantly reinforcing to each other how bad this world is and how Jehovah will wipe out all the pain and suffering they are experiencing real soon. They don't see anything positive, if they do it's from Satan. It's all that negative, oppressive mental attitude. Nothing is good enough right now. The world is so full of evil. Damn, I'm glad I got out of there. Just thinking about them makes me want to drink.
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Prov 13:12 Says something about hope when delayed, makes the heart sick.

    Their hopes have been so high for so long and they expect so much out of themselves and others . Their idealized version of how the world should be, doesn't match the realities they are living, even within the congregation.....a sure recipe for disappointment and disillusionment .

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think that I may have been "happier" and had things "easier" before taking the Red Pill. All my problems were from Satan and all the good things in life were from Jehovah's Blessing us. Injustices would be resolved later by Jesus or Jehovah. By JW standards, we were financially well off and that was seen as Jehovah's blessing.


  • yodastar

    A while ago having a discussion about the dubs and all the damage it has done with my uber elder brother, he said well we will have to agree to disagree and said if it makes me happy then what is wrong with that. How come you are so stressed all the time then? I replied.

    There really isn't any way to get through if they are so brainwashed. I know of many that were on anti-depressants but were not able to admit it openly but they are still able to pretend to be happy

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