Can you recall the event, the time when you boldly proclaim, I,am not taking this anymore.

by jam 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    In my case, I was Df, my nephew from bethel was in town,

    he came to visit my family. He knock at the door, I answer

    the door. He look at me, did not acknowledge me, walk

    right pass me and greeted my wife. My wife ask me

    to please go to my room while he is here visiting my family.

    I lost it, I told her from now on, if anyone want to visit you

    in my home that I,am paying for and expect me to leave the

    room , they can kiss my rear.

  • talesin

    Yes,,, my grandfather's 'memorial', at a funeral home. He was not a baptized JW,,, always said he believed it, but his love of tobacco overcame his love of the 'lie'.

    Anyhoo, my used-to-be-close-to-me aunt ran up to me and gave me a hug "Oh, we miss you so much" (this after 15 or so years of shunning) ... I detached myself from her phony, JW hug, and said "Well, if you miss me so much, if you REALLY love me you could just pick up the phone ... I'm outta here." After that, I told my parents that I was formally shunning the shunners, and that "Hell will freeze over before I set foot in the KH ever again" - literally.


  • man in black
    man in black

    a sister had a teenage daughter who was in a car accident, and the hospital she was in was about a two hour drive away.

    The po wanted to go and visit the daughter, but he had no idea how to get to the hospital, since my wife had been there several times already and told me the route I volunteered to drive him there one evening.

    After the looong drive (, ) we got there, and when we walked into the room, this sister literally jumped over the bed to give the po a hug and to thank him profusely for making the effort to come and visit her daughter.

    She then turned and looked at me and said "Hi" and walked away.

    I Sound like quite the touchy beggar huh ? Believe me, it was so obvious that she wanted to make such a good impression on this guy

    Well that was one of the major episodes that slowly started to steer me away from the jw's

  • man in black
    man in black

    As I remember, this song helped a little bit also .

  • LV101

    On the subject of "not taking this anymore," where is Wontleave? His perseverance/fortitude with watchtower membership is commendable. Wish I had his strength/mindset. I miss his posts.

  • talesin

    man in black --- yah, one of my personal favorites --- Canadian, eh? Dee Snyder has an awesome late-night radio show if you love metal.

  • AGuest

    Yep, dear Jam (peace to you!): when, after 14 JC meetings they "decided" to DF me for being "unsubmissive"... because I DECLINED to attend a 15th. (Note, NOT refused... declined... because after 14 meetings I really had nothing else to "share".) Figured, no point: If they hadn't gotten it by then... they weren't going to get it. By that time, I understood: I was no longer a "part" of them... so I didn't care if they DF'd me or not.

    Of course, they did: for "being unsubmissive for refusing to attend a[nother] JC meeting (like anything was really going to change - yeah, right ).

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Awen

    For me it was during my first and only JC hearing. While it was underway and the Elders were talking to me, my Lord said "why are you still here you know it's not the Truth?"

    So I told the Elders what I thought of the WTBTS and that nothing they could say would keep me from showing love to those I chose to. Their "love" was nothing more than endless, lovess rules and I felt I would be happier elsewhere. So I bid them good day and walked out on them

    I did attend a few more meetings to see how people around me would react. No one seemed surprised as I was very outspoken anyway and criticized the Elders and WTBTS openly sometimes to their faces in front of others.

    To this day I have set foot in a KH only a few times. It's the same loveless atmosphere in every one (not that I'm really surprised).

    I've also never set foot in another place of worship as I feel what could I possibly learn from them that Christ couldn't teach me himself and without the human filter?

    Peace and Love,


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    My husband and I were siting at a Sunday morning meeting . I was looking around during the public talk at all the sullen faces and thought to myself " Do i really want to live forever with these people ?" I also took a good look at my husband as he blankly stared at the speaker ....he was not happy either ,but going through all the motions to keep in the good graces of the powers that be ....That is when I leaned over and asked , 'if he would rather be at home ,because I really want to go home ..' Once we got home I told him I was never going back again .

    Many events led up to this point over many ,many years . At this point it just felt like I could not possibly survive one more moment in that place ,and still remain sane . My husband was quite shocked ,and at first thought I was leaving him . After a few tense days I was able to explain enough to him that my unhappiness was with the religion not him . Thankfully he decided not to go back either ,and over the past few years has come to see the manipulating nature of the JW's for himself .

    It was the scariest decision I have ever made ,and clearly one of the BEST . I felt like I was jumping off a burning bridge ...not sure if I would survive the fall or be able to swim once I hit the water,but I knew if I didn't try I would surely die if i just kept standing there .

    One of my biggest concerns was what would my kids and husband do ?? Would they shun me or hate me for distrupting the only life we all knew ? I had to squash those fearful thoughts and just made the decision FOR MY OWN HAPPINESS and sanity .....Thankfully it has worked out well . My husband faded with me . Gradually all of our three children have faded on their own and for their own reasons .

    We have had some ups and downs along the way just like everyone else here . We also have JW relatives that now have disowned us ,but as far as I am concerned.......,Take the plunge " Come on In the water is fine ! "

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    It was when one of the pedophiles in our hall shoved my elder husband because my husband asked him to not go behind the counter and stop acting like he was an MS. The child molester got mad at being told where he could be in the hall and shoved my husband.

    The next day I saw the COBE back slap the Pedo and tell him he knew Satan was testing him the day before while the COBE looked at me like I was pond scum. The next Saturday the whole body deleted my husband of being an elder after 32 years of using him. I stopped cold turkey that day.


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