Blood Transfusion: Letter of Understanding

by defender of truth 77 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    "Every parent among Jehovah’s Witnesses worried about how local Watchtower appointed elders will respond to letting their child have blood transfusion without opposing it should download this Letter of Understanding and be ready to hand a copy to them. Then ask those elders to leave them (the parents) and doctors alone to concentrate on the child’s best interests."

    This has been around since 2007. Full credit to Marvin Shilmer.

    I had not heard about this letter before, has anyone else heard of it?

  • defender of truth
  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    If anyone is interested, it seems as though it was a local thing.

    Here's an article about the situation:

    "Toronto’s Sick Kids now will go to “all lengths” to find alternatives to transfusing blood when Jehovah’s Witnesses voice their opposition, said Rebecca Bruni, a bioethicist at the hospital. It also asks parents to sign a letter of understanding — drafted with the help of one of the church’s hospital liaison committees — that says the institution recognizes their religious objections and will try to avoid transfusions if at all possible. The letter is not a consent form, but adds that where the child is at imminent risk of serious harm or death, medical staff will press ahead with the transfusion.

    “What is beautiful about this is that it’s a symbolic way of embodying respect and dignity and when we do this, we don’t need to call Children’s Aid, which can be messy and ugly.”

    McMaster Children’s Hospital has a similar letter of understanding, recognizing that providing a blood transfusion can be traumatic when “it has potentially eternal consequences,” said Ms. Frolic.

    McGill Children’s Hospital in Montreal has had such a protocol for about a decade, and found that it brought about a “real, significant drop” in conflicts, said Lori Seller, a clinical ethicist at the facility.

    All the ethicists stress, as well, that some Jehovah’s Witnesses do not agree with the blood ban, but are anxious that their green light to transfusion be kept confidential.

    “Some families are really more concerned about other Jehovah’s Witnesses finding out they consented to the blood transfusion,” said Ms. Seller.

  • DesirousOfChange

    When our niece required serious surgery when she was about 8 years old, the hospital and doctors were concerned that there could be a need for a transfusion is things went badly. The local HLC told our family that as long as they stated that they were JWs and disagreed with they or their child receiving a BT, they were absolved of what the hospital/doctors might do if the need arose. A judge is on call for a quick and easy Court Order, and Family Services would step in immediately, so the decision was not made by the JW parents and their conscience should be "clean". It was a decision made by "Satan's system" and Jehovah would hold those persons responsible.

    Ace in the hole. Easy way out. NO bad publicity. No kid dying due to WT Policy.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    I remember when I began researching this material. It took years to finally get a copy of the Letter of Understanding. It was a very frustrating experience.

    When I finally found a healthcare facility that had one of these documents known to be approved by Watchtower for use by JWs, I was sent through the proverbial ringer with questions about why I wanted the form document. I finally asked the institutional contact whether she had affiliation with Watchtower because of hesitancy to share a document that should be freely available to anyone who asks. I finally received the form document with a lame explanation about why I was plied with questions about my request. I never received an answer to whether the institutional staff member had affiliation with Watchtower. But I finally did receive the document, which I was thankful for.

  • nicolaou
    Thanks for the effort you put into getting it Marvin.
  • FayeDunaway

    Hrm, Marvin maybe they were concerned you were somehow going to contest the document and make it more difficult for them to protect children by causing legal issues. Did they know you were not a witness?

    That document is intriguing. I wish it was in place in every hospital worldwide.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    ...maybe they were concerned you were somehow going to contest the document and make it more difficult for them to protect children by causing legal issues.

    I was told the reason for plying me about why I wanted the form document was because of the institution was "still sorting out our processes regarding freedom of information (FOI)." That excuse struck me as pure poppycock. But I was finally provided with the form so I didn't make further inquiry about whether someone with a Watchtower affiliation was involved in the process of handling my request. I just dropped it.

  • OrphanCrow

    Marvin, the Letter of Understanding that you posted on your site pertains to a hospital in Canada.

    Do you know if this document is used anywhere besides Canada?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    Do you know if this document is used anywhere besides Canada?

    I don't have copies from any sources other than from Canada, but the document is in widespread use inside and outside Canada based on what is published in medical literature on the subject. For instance, Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio has developed a training seminar for clinicians that heavily admonishes use of the document in pediatric JW cases.

    Also, in the 2005 incident of the 14-year-old Canadian JW who left Canada for treatment at Schneider Children's Hospital in New York the agreement reached between the US medical facility and the JW girl's family (with Watchtower's support!!!) was the same as found in the Letter of Understanding document. My opinion is that the horribly bad press Watchtower was suffering at the time in cases like this compelled it to relax its 1992 position, which allowed for this agreement that was later framed as a form document for institutional use. But to the day Watchtower has not once advertised this agreement (or the form) among JWs for use by parents and their children. This lack is one reason for my blog article on the subject. Advertise! Advertise! Advertise!

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