Am I the Oldest One here??

by Undecided 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Thanks for all the good wishes and comments.

    Only in the last year or two have I noticed the signs of age getting to me. In my driving, I'm more causious about backing out of a parking space, can't see as well at night. My body is getting stiff, except the parts that should. I don't like climbing on ladders and getting on the roof of my house, I don't run so fast anymore, I picked up a rock to throw out of my yard and it didn't go as far as it should, when I stand on one leg my balance is not good. I was strong a few years back, now when I lift something it's much heaver than it should be. Of course I don't need to do as much work as I did so it doesn't matter that much. Some of this is the result of inactivity(siting in front of this computer).

    My mind is also having trouble with remembering names, of people and objects. This bothers me more than anything else. I can be talking and can't remember a particular word, name of a person, or thing. I told my wife as long as I could remember how to get back home I would be OK. It's really not that bad yet, but I can see a difference.

    As to words of wisdom, enjoy every day of your life but use your thinking ability to not kill your body in the process.

    Ken P.

  • bigfloppydog

    HAPPY 'B' DAY AND MANY MORE; You are as old as you feel. Have a celebration drink for me. I'm sure you are not the oldest one here.

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