Bros before ... on the watchtower CD

by bohm 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    Below are the average occurances of specific words plottet as a function of year for the watchtower. The occurences has been normalized such that for instance an occurance of 0.1 correspond to the given word being used an average of 0.1 times per page in the watchtower for that year. (a page is assumed to contain 3000 characters).

    Any good ideas?

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Interesting... I laughted at the drug spike in the 70's

  • unshackled

    Very interesting...great work bohm. How about these words or a variation of: governing body / organization, jesus, jehovah. Curious to see if they are using Jesus and Jehovah less, and inserting themselves (GB and Org) more frequently.

    "Happy 70s" for the drugs...."Happy 80s" for the sex...

  • bohm
  • bohm
  • johny5

    do one with apostates

  • bohm
  • bohm
  • bohm
  • bohm

    this one is actually kind of interesting i think.

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