WTBTS NGO & UN set up?

by D8TA 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    hi folks
    in our congregation they had an announcement about the ngo thing.
    it was said like followed:
    There goes the story that WTS is member of the UN. This is real in fact not true. Who ever has questions about may consider the elders.

    That was all. nobody knew anything no elder was questioned.

    WTS is going to sweep it under the curtain.
    Yet I guess that the "apostates" are motivated now to make the whole thing more public.

    I recommend such an action also for the USA.

    dont hide your knowledge, make it available and let raise doubt to the ivory towers where is no fear to lie and to twist the real facts.

    may god bless the righteous ones

  • zev

    as one of the people involved in the investingation and exposure of the un/wtbts and having see all the "facts"...
    i needed no more convincing.

    even "wordly" people can see the hypocrisy, as if it were dawn on a new day.

    personally, for me, it was the final straw.

    i needed no more convincing that the wtbts IS NOT what i thought they were for all my life.

    i really am in no position to make long posts about this right now.

    the facts are all outlined in the website below.
    the amount of traffic the site receives tell me that this is a concern even to active jw's like i WAS.

    only you can be the judge of the information that was uncovered, and only you can make your own mind up as to whats true, and what isn't.

    but never trust what you "hear" from those witchtower power mongers.
    they are men, with and agenda.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

  • hawkaw

    The WTS excuses and their reasons for joining have been discussed in detail in the two big threads.

    One thing - When disucssing this case keep your facts straight. The WTS has always been and is still a "non governmental organization" (NGO). A NGO (in a nutshell) is a not for profit group who does a lot of volunteer work.

    The Watchtower, as an existing NGO, applied in 1991 for an "associate" status with the UN's Department of Public Information (DPI). In 1992 the WTS received "accreditation" from a DPI committee and became an "associated" NGO with DPI. In Oct, 2001 the WTS was disassociated by DPI and thus, the WTS lost their "associated" status with DPI. However, the WTS still remains an NGO.

    I always suggest people read Zev's site.

    http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69/ or Randy's site


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    So it theory they are correct to say "There goes the story that WTS is member of the UN. This is real in fact not true." hawkaw you are correct we must stick to the facts. The WT was a member of the NGO which members adhere to the principles and chartera of the UN.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

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