Why Do I Desire Fast Food Late At Night?

by Broken Promises 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'm a bit of an insomiac, although I make up for it later in the afternoon.

    But I've noticed, usually around 1am, 2am and even now at 3am, I feel like some fast food, like KFC or McDonalds(also known affectionately in Australia as Maccas).

    The fast food joints aren't open this late at night (except for Maccas on the weekends) so it's not like I can go out and get some (or fast food for that matter). I do have some food that I munch on, although I'm not going to go to the trouble of making a chicken burger at 2am!!

    So I just tell myself that I can get some Maccas or KFC tomorrow for lunch in an effort to quell my appetite. Then, the next day, I don't feel like having it for lunch, until later that night when I get the same cravings again (and no, I'm definitely not pregnant, lol).


  • snowbird

    I dunno.


  • FirstLastName

    Cause its delicious !:)

    I do not eat fast food often, but I still have fond memories of going to McDonalds with my mom as a little kid.

    Trying eating something with protein late at night, so maybe it will not be as bad for you?

  • mrsjones5

    I sometimes crave korean food at night. ;-)

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Syl, what does mean?

    FLN, I've heard that eating protein late is not good for your digestive system, although I put so much other crap into my body it probably wouldn't matter, lol.

    Jonesy, I hear ya. I sometimes get cravings for Chinese.

  • skeeter1

    Perhaps your cravings are due to lack of micronutrients in your diet? Lack of micronutrients (i.e. an Amerian diet) - makes one crave high fat and high starch foods because you are starving your body....despite eating alot of calories.

    Try eating a big bowl of fruit with your breakfast, a salad (good greens) with your lunch , and a salad or veggies before dinner. Throw a small handfull of nuts/seeds onto the salad - walnuts, almonds, sunflower, pumpkin, etc. These nuts will help you digest the micronutrients in your salad. Chew your fruits and salads to further release the micronutrients as much as possible. Use oils sparingly (like a teaspoon on a large, dinner plate salad).

    If you want to fill yourself really up, try a 1/2 cup of beans in the evening with dinner.

    Try for a few weeks and see where your cravings and blood sugar goes.

  • Robdar

    Um, how to put this delicately?

    What cha been smoking late at night? Could it be giving you the munchies?

  • EmptyInside

    Yeah,I have my own cravings at night,lol. But,mostly salty snacks,but I make sure most nights I don't eat after 7 p.m. I feel better in the morning that way.

    But,I really can't say why you have these cravings at night. But,I like Skeeter's suggestions,good dietary advice there.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    LMAO @ Robdar... no, I don't smoke... anything.

    Yeah, Skeeter's suggestions are good.... not that I like salads in the middle of winter though

    I finally broke and I had..... two bread rolls with butter. Plain and boring but it quelled my cravings... for now!

  • RagingBull

    Really, those late night/early morning hours should be a fasting period for your body. That's how body fat (especially in the midsection) is lost. Sleep is the most important part of getting healthy. when you get regular sleep, your body isn't worrying about "eating"/getting energy.

    Although fast-food is good taste-wise eating it that late isn't a good thing. Go for a bowl of cereal, or a slice of wheat bread with some peanut butter on it and a glass of milk. Vitamin D and Protein. Also...if you have trouble "getting" to sleep at night, workout and shower 1 to 2hrs before the time you want to go to sleep. or have sex before sleeping. Both will release good endorphins to help you get a good night's rest

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