A Shunning Story

by leavingwt 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    This is a shunning story that was recently conveyed to me by email. I have changed the names/dates to protect the privacy of the individuals.


    Some of the things I've gone through with my mom during my disfellowshipping . . .

    She brought all of my brothers and my sister over to my apartment that Thursday they were to announce my disfellowshipping. We made small talk and laughed like we always did and then she cleared her throat. It's a very distinct throat clearing that we all recognize. It means she's upset and about to say something important. A stillness came over the room. Everyone grew uncomfortable and their smiles quickly dissipated. She then lined them up and told them to say good-bye to me because we wouldn't see each other again for a very long time. They each, one by one, hugged me uncomfortably with confused looks on their faces. Emily was 9, Chad 11, Michael 17, (Robert was already out by then and wasn't present). I remember Emily quietly sobbing and clutched my skirt with her little chubby fingers at one point as mom went on about how I had a choice and this is what I chose. I had been looking down during this speech and focused on Emily's fingers. She wore glitter nail polish and had a smiley face drawn on her left thumb by her friends at school earlier that day.

    Afterwards, she sent them to the car and said, "I love you, Rebecca. And, I'll be waiting for the day you come back. When that day comes, I'll welcome you with arms wide open just as the prodigal son was joyously received by his father. I'll say, 'This daughter of mine was dead, but has now returned to life. She was once lost, but now is found.' And, then we will have a huge party celebrating your return, but until then you are exactly as the scriptures say... You are dead to me. You made a promise to Jehovah on June 13, 1995 and dedicated your life to serving him; today you have decided to turn your back on God." She then kissed my cheek and walked out the door.

    I stood there at the front door with those words ringing in my ears, "Turned your back on God... Dead to me." Slowly, I crumpled to the floor sobbing. I kept replaying all of it over and over in my head... their solemn faces, the coldness in mom's voice. And, then I thought back to those little glitter nails... the hand drawn smiley face. I went back to before the lecture, to the first 15 minutes when we laughed and made small talk. It was the last normal moment I ever had with my family. I drug myself to bed and finally fell asleep thinking of those 15 minutes of laughter and that smiley face on Emily's thumb.

    We all have a story. Some are worse than others, but almost everyone leaves someone dear to them behind when they leave this cult. It's heart wrenching, but necessary to live the only life we're given to its fullest. Despite my losses in the process, I aim to do just that.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Thank you. I'm sure all our hearts go out to her.


  • fortis et liber
    fortis et liber

    This is heartbreaking, what a horrid, cruel cult, severing families in this way. From my experience, the joy of finally 'living' outweighs the burden of living a lie however; the severity of pain from this moment although diminished with time, never really goes away.

    ~ Fortis

  • flipper

    The WT society and Jehovah's Witness cult is disgusting, barbaric, and is run by a bunch of sociopathic idiots. To control people's minds and influence Witnesses like this illusion of a " mother " who will shun her own blood and claim her daughter is " dead " to her - tells you all you need to know about how dangerous the WT society and JW cult is to normal family relations and humanity in general. If I had a rocket launcher - I'd be blowing up some a-holes

  • freeflyingfaerie

    mom went on about how I had a choice and this is what I chose.

    That is such a big lie! I will always hate the religion for this! There really isn't much of a choice in their little JW world, especially if you are born-into. To use that to explain to the little ones why they won't be seeing her anymore is sick..it implies that the disfellowshipped person chooses the shunning.

    to 'Rebecca'

  • NewChapter

    And the little girl with chubby hands, a smiley face and glitter nail polish could one day receive the same treatment. It's so disgusting.


  • sd-7

    These are the stories that, as was impressed upon me, never get told from the platform or in the literature. The pain involved with this practice can never be measured. Obedience to the rules was important than who the person was, what they did, what was said during their fake trial. I realize now just how detached I really am from my family because of it. Mom hasn't really shunned me, but I am wondering, why has it been so easy to consider the fact that she might?

    This cult burns away compassion, and in doing so creates people willing to strike a person dead in their mind. Tragic, indeed.


  • Velour

    This is still a very painful and tender topic for me. The fact that I'm further and further away from being a part of my young siblings' lives just makes me double over in pain. I, too like freeflyingfaerie, find it especially angering that my parents will be painting this out like I chose to leave them behind when in reality I wasn't given a fair choice.

    I hope that over the course of several years "Rebecca" finds activities and relationships that will help ease the pain of missing her siblings while she waits for them to search for her- that's all you can do when dealing with staunch JW parents in-between. The only thought I have that helps me is that one day my siblings will search for me and we will make up for the years apart with happy decades after.

  • VampireDCLXV
    I love you, Rebecca. And, I'll be waiting for the day you come back. When that day comes, I'll welcome you with arms wide open just as the prodigal son was joyously received by his father. I'll say, 'This daughter of mine was dead, but has now returned to life. She was once lost, but now is found.' And, then we will have a huge party celebrating your return,...

    The cruel irony in all this is that the words quoted above are little more than an empty promise if not an outright lie. There would be no warm welcome. There would be no party or celebration, just a lot of groveling and eating of dirt on the part of those who would want to return. All that DF'd ones can look forward to if they return is continued ill will and cold regard from congregation and family (and there is rarely an exception to this). This is truly heartbreaking...


  • botchtowersociety

    Awful...and to think that at one time many of us also inflicted this cruelty on others...

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