Young JW murdered

by Max Divergent 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Got the news through the week that a victim of a fatal bashing was a 22-year old JW. Apparently he was a very soft and fragile sort of a guy, but when his group confronted by another leaving the movies he got pushed/hit and hit his head on the ground. He sufferd brain damage and later died.

    A very sad event for everyone who knew him and I'm sure it somthing of regret for everyone that an apparently decent guy was so unexpectedly killed just going to the movies at the local cinima.

    Here's a local news report:

  • LB

    Always sad when anyone is killed like that.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Shimmer

    That is such a trajedy. I don't know about where you all live but I live in a suburb of Atlanta and the movie theatre has become somewhat of a dangerous place to go on a Friday or Saturday night. When you go there it looks like you just walked on the set of a Rap video. And these teenagers will sneak into movies and run up and down the stairs chasing each other and hollering and pretty much disrupting the whole movie.

    I knew of a young group of witnesses who were shot at in the parking lot for no reason, luckily they were not hit, but their car was.

    This kind of thing makes me so damn angry, I guess because I feel so helpless as to how to stop it.


    A sobering thought: what if, right at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential?------------Jane Wagner

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Very sad story.

    Almost certainly the local elders will ban dubs from either:
    - going to that cinema
    - going to all cinemas
    - seeing that film
    - seeing all films
    - or all of the above

    And I'm not joking. It happened here with regards to all ice-skating when two dub lads had a fight at the ice-rink.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

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