What The Hell...my JW ex-wife just knocked on my door in field service...

by unshackled 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • unshackled

    Miz and sizemik....LOL I agree, the story would've been MUCH better if everything happened 3 seconds later. Otherwise its just a "could've been" story.

    Tell ya what....if she knocks again I'll try to make a good story happen. Maybe not full-on naked but I'll be at my apostate, hedonistic best.

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    funny story, what a coincidence!

    that 1984 wt cover should be photocopied 1000 times and left under the windshield wiper of every car at the DC!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    One thing I don't understand and refuse to research is that the anyone has a right to preach on public sidewalks. When doors are knocked on, however, the person typically stands on a porch or stoop. This is not public property. You have a right to kick someone off of your private property. American law is very distinguished from British property law by our worship of fee simple absolute which means close to full control.

    I've lived in apartment complexes. They cannot enter the building to knock on doors without giving me the name of the tenant whose guests they are. Otherwise, it is trespassing. Now I live in an apartment complex with individual entrances. They are not allowed on the property at all b/c it is owned by the realty company, not the town.

    The distinction between public and private correlates with all const'l rights as limitations on government, not people. Witnesses walk up steps, enter porches, stand on stoops. Knocking implies knocking on a private residence. One's expectation of privacy is highest in one own's home. It is the refugre from the clamor of the marketplace of ideas. I suspect suburban developments are private land. I don't know.

    I am certain the Bethel legal department has a 500-page treatise on this issue. You expect to hear other's ideas at Hyde Park's Speakers Corner but not on a porch. I'm wondering if steps, entrances are only quasi-private. Basically, you have free speechc rights in a public forum but not my private sphere. A public housing project might be different. Don't you think all those "No Solictiors" signs are for JWs.

  • unshackled

    Good points, Band. Regardless if it is the Dubs, Heart & Stroke foundation, girl guides, bottle drives...I've always felt its kinda presumptuous and discourteous to come on someone's property, knock on their door and ask for something in return.

    Curious, speaking of legal questions....IF I had waltzed down the stairs and that little girl got flashed by me because I had left my front door open, could there be legal action for indecent exposure?

  • LogCon


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Too funny. Trying to imagine if my ex called on me. A witness lady called on me a couple of Saturdays's ago. She asked my name so I asked hers. I was sitting on my front porch smoking of all things. When she told me her name I realized I knew her and had been in her congo for a short time years ago but she didnt remember me. Expecting a judicial letter any time soon.

  • bigmac

    ha ha brilliant

    i just wish my born-in dub ex wife could knock on my door--with me in the buff. i'd invite her in--to remind her what she threw away in her hissy fit.

  • berrygerry

    Nakedness and a post from BigMac. Jeez, I'm surprised!

  • Phizzy

    So that's why you are called BIG Mac !!!!

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