Rutherford and the new DVD

by truthlover 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthlover

    Can anyone tell me why Rutherford is not shown giving a talk or speaking in public? I noticed that Russell was on film in the first DVD -Out of Darkness but Rutherford was shown in a picture only - never speaking or doing a public presentation, same goes for the second one -they have an actor portraying him... was there a reason? Was his persona that bad? I think so cause to look at him, man, he was scary..his eyes and overall physical presentation....

    He did not look like the kind of person anyone would want to be around..

  • CaptainSchmideo

    One recording I heard of him reminded me of the worst in Baptist/Fundamentalist Bible screamers.

    Maybe that's why.

    And you are right, Russell was not a pleasant personality at all. He was the antithesis to C. T. Russell, and contributed in large measure to the big split after Russell's death.

  • MrMonroe

    He was also in large part responsible for the mentality and outlook of the WTS today. He was paranoid, vindictive, ignorant, judgmental, self-obsessed, vengeful, petty, power-hungry, controlling, belligerent, unforgiving, uncharitable and deceitful. In no particular order.

  • WontLeave

    Maybe he couldn't go 3 seconds without giving away the fact that he was a flaming ass-wipe. He's the one who started JWs down the dark path they're on now.

  • ziddina


    Now I've got a hankering for film/recordings of Rutherford...

    Somewhere - probably on YouTube - there's a recording of Rutherford giving a radio address. He certainly sounds like a pompous, self-righteous windbag in that recording...

    Maybe someone can come up with a link? I'll look it up tomorrow after I've gotten some sleep...

    It might be on FreeMinds or one of the other JW-expose' sites, too... Lotta ground to cover...

    Zid the sleepy She-Devil

  • FollowedMyHeart

    MrMonroe, I agree that the JWs are what they are today because of the Judge. Your list is a good start!

    Zid, I had the same thought. Here is Rutherford on YouTube. He sounds like all the other boring old guys from Bethel, at least in this clip.

  • ziddina

    Thanks for that clip, FollowedMyHeart!!

    He sounds waaaayy too calm in that clip... Deceptively so...

  • FollowedMyHeart

    Hey, Zid! I thought you were about to hit the hay! JWN is a bit like quicksand, isn't it?

  • ziddina

    Hah! Yeah, it's addictive, all right...

    That's why I'm limiting my visits to once every two weeks or so, now...

    I'll toddle off to bed eventually, though...

    Thanks fer askin'!

  • Fernando


    This link may be of interest:

    Greetings and blessings


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