Sorry For Not Introducing Myself and Sharing My Story...Here Goes

by ChainedNoLonger 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ChainedNoLonger

    Thank you all for the very warm welcome! It's funny even after two years since I came extremely too close to making the worst mistake of my life, my husband still asks me "why" I said and did such horrible things, and I really have no good or understandable answer for him. He doesn't and probably never will be able to comprehend how the indoctrination happens and stays in your mind even when you are not "active" in the organization. Even after I was disfellowshipped in 1996 and all through the years following up until two years ago, I still "believed" what I had been told since infancy. I NEVER stepped foot in another church (scared to death to), and I still had thoughts that every "bad storm" or "bad disaster" might be the end.

    I don't know if it affected any of you like this, but I would and sometimes still do have nightmares about Jehovah destroying me and my family, different scenerios, but all very frightining. Thankfully the nightmares are starting to subside and I don't freak out everytime there is a bad storm, I am just waiting for my unfounded fear to end, then I will feel that I am totally free from that hell!

  • sizemik

    I hope it is of some comfort . . . but all XJW's have similar thoughts for a time . . . sometimes for quite a while

    It's a bit like being on a morphine drip for years . . . you can pull the drip out . . . but then comes the withdrawal

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    As long as you think there might be the slightest possibility that Jesus selected them in 1919 to be God's sole channel of communication there is a chance that a trigger will have you leaping back into the cult.

    So ..........

    ......... If you haven't got that sorted now ........ get onto it and get it out of the picture completely.

    Welcome to our forum.


  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome ChainedNoLonger. I am glad that you and your husband were able to reconcile and I look forward to reading your future posts. You might want to read Steve Hassan's ( Books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control") to help you recover from your WTBTS' experience and may be help you communicate with your daughter and sister. Your mother may be a lost cause, because of her lying for the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • QuestioningEverything

    "I don't know if it affected any of you like this, but I would and sometimes still do have nightmares about Jehovah destroying me and my family, different scenerios, but all very frightining. Thankfully the nightmares are starting to subside and I don't freak out everytime there is a bad storm, I am just waiting for my unfounded fear to end, then I will feel that I am totally free from that hell!"

    I can completely relate to this. I used to have nightmares frequently. Once I discovered the truth about the WT, the nightmares stopped.


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