Can you teach morals without religion?

by Dune 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • DagothUr

    Can you teach morals within religion?

  • VIII

    PSacramento said:

    I think that NO RELIGION ( or any philosophy for that matter) should ever teach morals based on the "reward or punishment" principle, because if they do, what are we truly teaching?

    That ulterior motives are the reason behind what we do.

    Being raised a JW, along with my sister, who turned hardline Atheist, I can say that if I had kids, I'd rather they be raised as Catholics than nothing at all. I agreed to this when I got married.

    My sister raised her kid as an Atheist. He is, IMO, a worthless POS. Now, that is because of how he was raised. My sister and her husband can be likened to Bonnie and Clyde. Having those two as your role models sets one up for abject failure in life. Sis refused, with good reason, all of our Mother's attempts to let the kid visit and go to the KH. He would have only been more messed up.

    The kid (he is 32 now), so far has a litany of moral offenses including adultery to his name. His legal ones include not paying taxes which make him a freeloader on the rest of us.

    All under the benign gaze of his parents who tout him as the model of what a good son should be. <insert eye roll and puke>

    Are all parents blind to their kids short comings?

    I like the *Do unto others* idea. What you do to others will eventually come around and either bite you in the ass or give you a hug. It's your choice.

  • nicolaou

    Your aquaintance sounds like a lazy parent!

  • PSacramento


    I know a few athiests, not many, but all are excellent parents.

    I also know many religious people ( of varying religions) and many of them are truly lousy parents.

    There may have been a time that morals and religion were inseperable, but MAN has made sure to demolish that view, quite nicely and He can blame organized religion for that.

    The rampant hypocracy, "rule" by fear and intimidation, sheer incompetance and at limes, lunacy of religious leaders and followers have seen to that.

  • talesin


    My ex was raised Roman Catholic --- he has 5 brothers, 2 are thieves, and 4 are adulterers. (oh, and they were all molested by the priest)

    What's your point again?


  • VIII

    I agree PSacramento. I haven't known many, (any who will admit) Atheists in person other than my sister. She is hardline to the max and it turns people away. She is the in-your-face, push her attitude on anyone who will listen. Her son heard this his whole life. I have to believe she and he are the exceptions. There are too many criminals in jails who are *religious*.

  • PSacramento

    I think that if you spew venom, whether religious or anti-religious, you spend your life full of negativity and love has no plac ein your heart.

    People like that, one must feel sorry for.

  • talesin

    @ VII

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