Job suffering A ridiculous story.

by jam 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Well, its_me!, in another culture and another time....

    In a modern industrialized, first-world culture, children are gifts. Expensive gifts; much helicoptered and fussed over. The love and funds that we lavish on them... I think the reason we can afford to do this is that every one of our children will likely survive to adulthood. To lose a child in our society is a huge tragedy. We have fewer of them because they are so darned expensive, but also because we are much more certain we get to keep them.

    In an ancient, third-world nomadic household, children are assets. Have lots, because few will survive to adulthood. They are your guarantee of a peaceful and pampered old age. In context of when it was written, a fresh batch of children would be a symbol of refreshed prosperity.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Antonia Fraser who wrote wonderful biographies of European royalty explained that so many children died that the French aristocracy sent their children away shoftly after birth. Court life occurred in Paris and other large centre. The country was viewed as healthier. Their reason for doing it was that they refused to form emotional attachment to children who would just die and break their hearts.

    If a child survived to fourteen, the child was viewed as having some survival chance. It wasn't only a few families doing this. They all did it.

    When Jesus says suffer the little children to come to me he does not mean cute Victorian cherubic angels with Disney themes. He means they are so low life and a drain on society but, nevertheless, he will deal with them.

    Dickens reveals how horrid childhood was many centuries later.

  • its_me!

    Jgnat and Band on the Run------ I have no children of my own, but from my little relatives, I feel that I understand the love between parent and child to a small degree. Even though children were viewed differently in different times, I still feel that we are born with an instinctual bend to love our offspring more than ourselves. The story of Job just sounds downright cruel to me. Also, the NWT says that Jehovah cannot be tried with evil things, nor will he try anyone with evil. Even though he didn't personally cause the things that happened to Job, he did basically make a wager with Satan, and allowed him to cause these horrible attrocities in Job's life. I never did understand it....

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