what am i in for? i have 5 jw employees and now im dfd...

by oompa 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    only one is a guy...a mini serve

    one is a reg pioneer...

    all are actually pretty key to my biz....three have been there over 20 years (ya...i am a GREAT boss!!!)

    how much pressure are they going to get to quit working for me???

    i read the new elder handbook about it...but it is kind of fuzzy....there are two paragraphs about quitting your job if working for a dfd or apostate exjw.....one said they may be given reasonalble time to quit...it says six months........i guess so that local elders can do whatever they want.........oompa

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    well lots of job seakers out there!

    That must be tough!

  • dgp

    I think they will eventually leave the place. In the meantime, you can find other people to replace them.

    It's so bad this has to happen at all.

  • HintOfLime

    Considering the current job market... I would think finding people to replace them shouldn't be too difficult, would the need arise. Sure it may take time to re-train people... and extra effort - but your business can survive.

    - Lime

  • jgnat

    It seems to me that you are in the position of power. Continue to be the great boss you have always been, make sure the veterans have their desk procedures up to date, and let them act according to their own conscience. The less you mention it the better.

  • wobble

    Hope it goes well for you Oomp. It is a very grey area in reality, but it depends on the individual employee as to how they interpret things.

    In my old Congo. a guy who employed a lot of bros. and sis. was DF'd, nearly all of them walked off the job. A "worldly" friend of his saved his arse by finding all the necessary replacements, otherwise he would have gone bankrupt.

    The problem is that no JW walking away from a job in those circumstances is going to be criticised by the cult, probably more likey praised, even if their attiitude is in fact morally wrong.

    Good luck old friend, I am sure it will be O.K, and I hope not too stressful, you don't deserve it.

  • WontLeave

    Just ask them

    YOU do not want to go also, do YOU?

    and with the current job market, maybe they'll reply

    whom shall we go away to?
  • doughnuthole

    I feel for you and you have a right to be concerned for sure, this is your business, be pro-active and protect it as best you can. I have been right where you are, we had several key JW employees when we left the Org. we now have just 1 JW employee left, Did it hurt our long standing well- established business??? Yes for sure...couple that with hard economic conditions, and nearly did us in. But we have survived, learned a ton and alot stronger because of it , lean and mean you could say. I wish you the best, but like i said be pro active, for some reason i thought those employees just couldn't be replaced...wrong wrong wrong, The interviewing, training, etc. process is draining for sure, but our office manager now is like no other and we couldn't be more pleased. Please keep us posted on how things are going, im sure alot of posters have been through this also!!

  • Quandry

    Hmmmmmm....you never know....they may value their jobs in this economy..but I second what jgnat said. Make sure that all records are kept up to date, and maybe even start some cross training in case one JW goes and someone else needs to fill in until a replacement can be found.

    Also, have a meeting in which you provide refreshments and tell everyone what a great job they are doing. Put in a suggestion box, perhaps. Maybe some new decor? Make work a pleasant place..one that they couldn't easily replace.

    I think many JWs these days are willing to do less than toe the WT line when it comes to their lievlihood.

    Keep us posted.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have to laugh at their arrogance. Six months reasonable notice sounds like a government contract provision. would four months be dishonorable but sevem months unholy lingering.

    If it were not for religion, you may have a business tort. So these Witnesses must now enter the workforce at the moment it is dreadful. They are in a much worse position than you but I would also see things from my perch. If they are Witnesses, they can't be too trained.

    I admire entrepreneurs. It is something I could never do. Risk brings much more potential income and being your own boss. Most black male professoinals I know are very entreprenurial oriented. Lord knows it almost comical how I view employers as authority figures to be fought.

    Can't we assume that you will muddle through

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