Poster- Life Is Too Short / Recovering from Hernia Operation- Get Well Soon !

by flipper 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jadeen

    Hope both you and your hubby are feeling better soon!

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Oops didn't see this till now either,

    please get well soon LITS, you are a good wife caring too for hubby (making him go to DR.)...hope both of your health situations improve soon!



    Hey LiTS..

    Get well soon..Take the time to heal up..

    It`s much better than re-injuring yourself..


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks again everyone for your kind words.

    Your right outlaw about taking time to heal, I am truly trying to but it is so hard.

    My husband's heart checked out OK but he is still really tired, and we cannot understand why why. Maybe it is learning that this is the not the true religion. While he was going through all of his tests this week the topic of blood came up with two of the doctors and I just had to bring up all the changes that have happened in the religion with blood. I was asked to fill out one of the forms so I put down he would take everything but whole blood then I said makes no sense to me because blood is blood even if it is broken down into different parts but hey the religion says you can now and do not want him to die. It is funny the scriptures they used from the Bible forbidding us to take blood never changed through, I wonder why all of a sudden we can take blood parts now. My husband looked daggers at me while he was in the hospital but never really said anything latter.

    He told me last night he could not sleep last night because his mind was racing. I asked why and he said he was thinking of the way the hall handled the child abuse problem, so maybe that is affecting him and why he is feeling sick.

    Anyway thank you again so much for all of your kind words. I am hanging in there.


  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • scooterspank

    Be well and don't re-injure, like outlaw said. I work for surgeons that do these operations. Always allow yourself time to heal. I'm so sorry to hear your struggle. I couldn't agree more about the blood issue. How can a man sooooooo long ago write a scripture banning a life saving treatment that he had no idea existed? And isn't blood....blood? All the best to you!!!

  • flipper

    My wife and I have talked with Life Is Too Short- she seems to be doing much better now. She still works a lot though. But at least she's healthier. Something to be thankful for

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