Reliable Bible Prophecy - examples?

by VM44 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    The Watchtower mentions "Reliable Bible Prophecy" in its writings, particularly those concerned with where we stand now in the stream of time.

    But....what examples are there of "Reliable Bible Prophecies"?

    Are there any? And are they "Reliable"?

  • trevor

    Alas VM44 this is destined to be the shortest thread in history.

  • Lore

    There's plenty of 'em.

    For example Jesus predicted that at some unspecified time in the future: Wars would exist, earthquakes would happen, and diseases would exist.

    And by golly it came true! Against all odds!

    Nobody else in his time period even thought that wars or famines were possible. But here we are 2000 years later seeing that daring prophecy fulfilled.

  • VM44

    How often does the phrase "reliable Bible prophecy" appear in Watchtower publications?

    Perhaps someone could do a check using the latest WT Library CD?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    1914 was reliable Bible prophecy.

    This generation will not pass away.

    The WTBTS is the printing arm of the FDS and the GB "represent" the FDS and Mathew 24:45 - 47 PROVES it.

    Sorry not what you were after I know...

  • Lore

    OK so to bring this thread around to something useful:

    The prophecies in Daniel are superficially very impressive. The whole thing where he predicts that the 'great horn' represents Alexander the Great and that when it splits up into 4 smaller horns it represents the 4 generals that took over for him when he died.

    That's pretty reliable. It's not too impressive once you realize Daniel was written about 200 years AFTER the events he's predicting. But it's still reliable!

  • WhatWasIThinking

    The only one I can think of is Genesis 3:19, to dust we shall return. That one is accurate even if it's not considered a prophecy.

  • nicolaou

    Good topic VM44, and one that often crops up (Are there ANY Bible prophecies that indisputably came true?) But no-one has ever given an example of a clear cut and specific prophecy the 'fulfillment' of which could not be explained by simpler and more credible reasoning.

    No. There are NO reliable Bible prophecies.

  • snowbird
    The only one I can think of is Genesis 3:19, to dust we shall return. That one is accurate even if it's not considered a prophecy.

    Since a prophecy is something prophesied (spoken) before it happens, you're on target.

    This utterance is prophetic, also.

    Ask any woman.

    Genesis 3:16 He told the Woman:
    "I'll multiply your pains in childbirth;
    you'll give birth to your babies in pain.
    You'll want to please your husband,
    but he'll lord it over you." The Message Bible

    I would love for someone to explain this by "simpler and more credible reasoning."


  • ProdigalSon

    20571pnt428571Then it's just simple addition and subtraction, and historic events in hindsight affirm it as well, as 1914 being a solid date for a number of divine, as well as secular governmental and national reasons.

    I read your post three times and I'm just not seeing how you come up with 1914. Could you clarify?

    I ask this in all sincerity as I am certain that 1914 was a significant year for a shift in consciousness, because the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza begins in 1914. If the Bible can corroborate that date somehow I would find it truly amazing.

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