The TSO (TRUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA) --- any body want to play?? :)

by the pharmer 0 Replies latest social humour

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    This is just meant to be for fun…the theme doesn’t even have to be exclusively WT based. My intention is to have fun with this, but to also be able to draw as many parallels as possible in the end that could apply to ANY group claiming exclusivity. I invite anyone/everyone who wants to participate by adding/subtracting/changing to this dialogue to do so. If it’s a total flop, or if people hate the idea, oh well…I’ll amuse myself with it on my own…no expectations, no worries. :)

    If anyone is interested in adding a statement or more to the script, feel free to change what has already been written by others.

    This is all probably plain silly, but oh well, I’ve never done anything like this before, and I feel like my brain needs a bit of a break.

    As you can see by what follows, the householder needs to come up with some questions to ask the TSO members.

    Any suggestions as to what questions to ask? :)


    A couple of members of the exclusive TRUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (TSO) are going door-to-door to talk to people about a famous piece of music.


    “We heard you practicing some music, and from what we could hear, it sounds like you are pretty musical.”


    “Thanks, I try, but this piece is very challenging in some areas, and I want to keep making progress on it.”


    “We are fond of that piece too, in fact, we are official members of the TSO – Truth Symphony Orchestra – and we perform that piece all the time! We have a study book devoted to it; would you be interested in studying it with usand learning what this music is reallysupposed to sound like; what The Composer reallyintended?”


    “That’s interesting. Well, I consider myself to be a competent musician and a dedicated student of this particular piece. I think I have a good grasp for the most part, but by you saying you can teach me what it really is supposed to sound like implies that I don’t already have a good grasp. Although I normally welcome and enjoy hearing other’s opinions and interpretations, I know nothing of your TSO organization or the conductor(s) who lead it. Do you mind if I ask you some questions first?”

    [??? To be continued by anyone/everyone???]

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