Funerals of past WTBTS presidents -

by james_woods 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • james_woods

    OK, I thought of this last night because I remembered there have been numerous threads about how mysterious J.F.Rutherfords funeral arrangements were - only four people or so did the ceremony (sort of in secrecy) and nobody to this day knows what happened to the body or where he is buried.

    But it occurred to me that I was an active witness when Knorr died, and just left shortly before Franz died - and I know nothing about the funeral of either of them...

    Have no idea what they did for Jaracz, or even for Russell as well. Well, edit to say that I have seen the Russell gravestone and pyramid shrine when I was in Pittsburg PA for congregation servant's school in 1970.

    Does anybody know the inside information on these - where they took place, was it by invitation only, what did they do, etc.?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have wondered about this, too. Hopefully, someone knows. I suppose attendance would reveal who was powerful or not. Did the family or the org. arrange the funerals. Part of me is surprised that when KNorr died, Yankee Stadium was not rented for a massive public lecture. Funerals are not funerals but an opportunity to preach the WT message to all.

    I noticed that even when everyone present has been a Witness for many years and even generations, the speaker supposes new people are present.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    There is quite a bit in the old WT's re Russell and the famous Consolation article that ran to 17 pages re Rutherford and his burial arrangements.

    The photo below is of Russell's burial.


  • steve2

    James, a good question. My maternal grandfather was a young man when Russell died and although he was not then a "Bible Student" knew a few Bible Students who were preaching in town halls throughout the North Island of New Zealand at that time. They were creating a lot of havoc because some of them were conscientious objectors during WWI.

    My grandfather had lots of fond memories of those days (and became a baptized"Bible Student along with my grandmother in the mid 1920s) and of course assumed the name Jehovah's witnesses in 1931. Anyway, he did not disguise his calm reverence for "Brother Russell" and used to talk about how devastated Bible Students were when Russell died in 1916. He did not know of anyone who was present at Russell's funeral in the USA but it was talked about alot among the Bible Students. It was not a secretive event and it even appeared to be very reverentially observed and initially at least memorialized - in stark contrast to the funerals of subsequent Watchtower presidents.

    I have often wondered if one of the reasons they have played down the funeral services of subsequent presidents is because these have the potential to divide the rank and file. My grandfather often spoke in very derogatory terms about some of the Bible Students even here in New Zealand who never got over Russell's death and could not accept Rutherford as president and became "opposers". I gues the Watchtower has learned to keep the profiles of presidents more low-keyto reduce the risk of ruptures following the deaths of its presidents.

  • Nickolas

    To borrow heavily on an old yarn my Irish grandfather might have said, I'd be very pleased to honour the memory of these gentlemen by pouring a bottle of Jameson over their graves, so long as I can pass it through me kidneys first.

  • slimboyfat
    the famous Consolation article that ran to 17 pages re Rutherford and his burial arrangements.

    Which one was that? Is it posted online?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Did Rutherford have a planned succesor in Knorr? Good point. The WT does not strike me as individually based. Its lack of a spokesperson who is charismatic makes it robotic. I never experience any personal groundswell to KNorr or Franz. Their positions were respected. One individual makes no difference.

    Also, besides the Russell problem, I've never heard of any policies changing with new presidents or GB members. Maybe I'm just not aware.

  • SirNose586
    To borrow heavily on an old yarn my Irish grandfather might have said, I'd be very pleased to honour the memory of these gentlemen by pouring a bottle of Jameson over their graves, so long as I can pass it through me kidneys first.

    Lol!!! Gotta love the Irish.

  • Black Sheep
  • steve2

    Thanks Black Sheep. I downloaded the article and have just read it. While it doesn't background the funeral service, it certainly elevates the deceased Rutherford to an embarrassingly high position. And they loudly condemned the Pope for his exploitation of the common man!

    The whole article bellyaches about how worldly authorities have immorally prevented Rutherford's bones from being buried on non-cemeterial land. The hubris of the Watchtower is plainly evident from their verbalized outrage that Rutherford cannot be granted his rightful resting place on the huge property where the mansion Beth-sarim was located. Not for his bones is any ordinary burial ground. THis is now a closed matter in the Watchtower who barely mention Beth-sarim and when they do it's almost always done in an air-brushed defensive manner, sparing readers the telling facts about Rutherford's luxurious lifestyle whilst the rank and file members suffered hardship and deprivation by stark contrast.

    The irony of course is that, according to the Consolation article Rutherford had already gone to his heavenly reward so why make such an hysterical fuss because he wasn't buried in the right place then? If this kind of indulgent drama had occurred in any other religious group, I could imagine the vicious-tongued Rutherford making huge fun of it. But because the matter was much closer to home, his crazed followers waxed indignant that the dead Rutherford's remains were left languishing in an official burial ground rather than the place he had ordained for his remains.

    Religious infatuations often bring out the worst in the best of humans so its no surprise that these silly Biblical infatuations in which Rutherford saw himself as fulfilling the Divine purpose would bring out some of the very worst mental tantrums from a group of people who held themselves up as the sole channel of "truth". Nealry 70 years have passed since this episode over which the Watchtower now is strangely silent.

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