Sarah Palin flubs the Paul Revere story 'Paul warned the British' HaahaaHaaaHaa

by designs 129 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    At least she knows how many states there are and she knows what year it is.


  • tenyearsafter

    I rarely agree with the Liberals on this forum, but I have to confess that listening to Palin make an idiot of herself with the Paul Revere story was an embarrassment! I can't believe that she would ever make it to the finish as the Republican nominee...let's hope for a sane alternative choice in 2012.

  • NeckBeard

    At least she knows how many states there are and she knows what year it is.

    I'll bet he wishes it was still 2008.

    Apparently Mr Obama was heard to ask the dean what the day's date was - but managed to get the year wrong.

    A Westminster Abbey spokeswoman confirmed it was the president who had written the wrong date.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Obama makes a mistake while carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and he's declared incompetant. Sarah carrys the weight of the hairspray on her head and she can't even get right what Paul Revere did. Big difference I think. I hope that she runs. It would be so much fun.

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Band on the Run:

    "If it were just this instance, I would not be so triggered. I misspeak frequently. Most people do. When you set yourself up as someone extra special, though, people want to see polish."

    I myself suffer from a lot of "Bushisms" (I think it's because I once fell asleep during one of George Bush's speeches. When I woke up I was brain damaged ).

    However, there is a difference between "slips of the tongue" and what Sarah Failing did on her Paul Revere gaffe. Slips usually involve either mispronunciation or mistaken words. Bush had a lot of those. However, Palin's problem is that when she talks, entire sentences and 'paragraphs' come out not merely garbled but express either nothing of any significance or gross ignorance on the subject.

    Bush was simply brain damaged from his former alcoholism. Palin, on the other hand, is basically a glib talker who happens to be grossly ignorant of whatever it is that she's talking about.

  • BizzyBee

    As Dick Cavett said in his classic piece, The Wild Wordsmith of Wasilla:

    "It’s admittedly a rare gift to produce a paragraph in which whole clumps of words could be removed without noticeably affecting the sense, if any."


    "Could the willingness to crown one who seems to have no first language have anything to do with the oft-lamented fact that we seem to be alone among nations in having made the word “intellectual” an insult? (And yet…and yet…we did elect Obama. Surely not despite his brains.)"

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Wasanelder Once:

    "Obama makes a mistake while carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and he's declared incompetant. Sarah carrys the weight of the hairspray on her head and she can't even get right what Paul Revere did. Big difference I think. I hope that she runs. It would be so much fun."

    It is typical of morally and intellectually bankrupt Conservatives to try to deflect proper criticism of Palin gross ignorance by pointing out Obama's slips and minor gaffes. It is a basic principle of irresponsible behavior to avoid responsibility on certain 'smatters by pointing to other peoples real or perceived problems.

    What is it that Conservatives are actually saying between the lines? That they need a Presidential candidate to be as stupid as possible in order to out-stupid Obama? Is this a race to the bottom where Conservatives are trying to get to an even lower level than Obama allegedly is?

    Please remember that this is the woman who abandoned her position as Governor when she started getting stressed from (justifiable) lawsuits. She has also been exposed by her former aide as being utterly unfocused to the point where he had to say that Palin would create a "disaster of "Biblical proportions".

    The evil thing about this nation is that a large portion of its people are so morally depraved as to defend, let alone vote, for such a monstrosity. It doesn't matter that she loses, because if as little as 1/4 of the American population believe that she's a worthy person (even if they decide not too vote for her), then that indicates how spiritually diseased this nation is.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think all the anti-Palinites are secretly SEXIST and hate the idea of a dumb broad being President of the United States!

    Why is the obligation on Sarah to never make misteaks?

    If she's going to represent ALL of America, she should be of median intelligence - a sub-genius, and of humble origens, not some hootie-tootie intellectshul

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Nathan Natas:

    I think all the anti-Palinites are secretly SEXIST and hate the idea of a dumb broad being President of the United States!

    Why is the obligation on Sarah to never make misteaks?

    If she's going to represent ALL of America, she should be of median intelligence - a sub-genius, and of humble origens, not some hootie-tootie intellectshul

  • BizzyBee

    No secret: I hate the idea of a dumb broad being President of the United States!

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