Any sins you got away with?

by fade_away 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • fade_away

    I was reading a thread on here that got me thinking.. What is the purpose of confession if not another method of mind control? Back in ancient Israel, confession was just this thing you did if you were a good Jew. Just like observing Sabbath, fasting.. you get the point. You brought the best dead thing you could afford and came out with all your "dirty laundry" so to speak. You came out of confession with a nice squeaky clean feeling inside (the thought reminds me of a Charmin commercial for some reason) and the priests got to eat all of the tasty vittles you left at the altar. Which part was for God? "the restful odour" of barbecue.. mmmm... (Oh, damn! that reminds me, my wife bought these nice cuts of flank steak the other day!)

    But my point is, doesn't God know everything about everything including all your dirty deeds? and if He does, why can't you just square whatever it is you did away with Him? Whats all this guilt trip that the elders always dish out of of "purifying the congregation of sin" or whatever. and as the WBTS has made very clear with all the unfortunate events surrounding paedophillia, it takes one or two witnesses, or just a confession from the sinner to establish the legitimacy of a sin.

    Me personally, I never once felt guilty about "fooling around" with my JW soon-to-be wife. It was never anything major past making out and copping a feel here and there.. basically what your average young couple in love would do.. But for certain, some of the stuff that we did involved my parents being out of town and both of us playing hookie.. There was a bed and a lot of hands were involved.. certainly stuff we would have, at the very least, been reproved for. I remember when my parents got back they were just a tad suspect and my elder dad made it a point to always work that thing about "God always brings hidden sin into light" into everyday conversation. Him being an elder, he was a part of several committees in his time, and always reminded me of this young married couple who confessed to having premarital sex multiple times before they got married and that was only less than a month after they had tied the knot. Apparently, she started feeling guilty and rolled over on him having gotten her drunk a few times and had taken advantage of her. Man, I remember going to their tastelessly extravagant wedding with an open bar.. Many witlesses, including elders got drunk and afterwards people got sensored left and right after that. Eventually, somehow it was discovered that it wasn't the first time he used libations as a species of date rape drug. My father always reminded me of how unhappy they are intheir marriage now as a result of disobeying the no premarital hanky-panky rule.

    Anyways, before I start going off on a tangeant, let me say that my wife and I couldn't be happier together and we do not regret ANY of the stuff we did. Its been a year now, and NOBODY has found out at all. To everyone in our old congregation, we are still the exemplary and chaste young couple that got married IN THE KH. And, we aint tellin' nobody nuttin'! As well as many who's faith has dwindled, we have come to realize through learning from other's experiences as well as our own, sin doesn't exist in the Borg so long as everyone involved keeps their big ol' trap of an orifice shut! Which is why I venture to guess that because the higher ups are aware that Jehovah himself doesn't come out of his lofty cloud in a grand spectacle of lightning and thunder, and then point out his mighty hologram of a finger at the sinner chanting in a sing-song, "he did it! he did it!" they make it a fine point to influence people with talks and "experiences", most of them which sound made up, to rat people out. Not to mention, it feeds this ravenous need for juicy tidbits of gossip, since pretty much everyone, even the men in the congregation live for since they are not allowed to live their own lives..

    Sorry, a little bit of a rant there, but, would anyone care to share any of their own sins they might or might not have gotten away with? feel free to be as vague or specific as posibble.. maybe we can get this topic going on a lazy Saturday moring when every good JW is supposed to be knocking on random peoples doors selling half-baked WT droll...

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    Yes but nothing I'd admit to here because my brother is a regular poster. Besides, I'm not sure it really matters because I was on my way out. When I was really into it, I'd end up confessing to the elders and facing a JC. What a fool I was.

  • fade_away

    I feel ya, Not Bitter. I don't feel like I could be too specific with you guys because my father is still an elder, and my wife's family are all hardcore JW. Funny how those who fade and still have family in are not 100% free to do what they like with their freedom. I resent only that.

  • Morbidzbaby

    My ex husband and I were like you and your wife, doing stuff before we were married, but not going all the way (and yeah, there was a bed involved lol) and it was all hands. We would have been just fine and dandy, but 3 years after we got married, he decided to roll and come clean to the elders about it. I was PISSED. That was our business and was between us and "god". But he was convinced that was why we were not "receiving Jehovah's blessing" (cause we were friggin' miserable and poor, etc). We went to the elders, a committee was formed because of the "nature of the sin" and we were given counsel and private reproof.

    However, I've had a few partners since my divorce. Not ashamed of it, either. Goodness knows I needed to know what REAL sex was like after being married to a JW for so long and not having any other experience. I was an active JW at the time, but not a believer. And I refuse to give any creedance to the WTBTS policy on confessing. My body, my business.

  • fade_away

    That's tough, Morbid. Its crazy how superstitious the JWs are about things like that. More of that cult thinking. and if you point it out, they will deny it to no end. I remember my mom used to joke about when bad fortune would befall anyone in the congregation. She said it was God's judgement for those who chose to hide their sins. Truely made my blood curdle hearing her say that. Sh*t happens to everyone. Arent the JWs also the cult who say that they will face persecution for being followers of the true God? If you argue the point, however, hey will deny it to no end. you just cant win, no matter how much you try to reason with them. As one poster so elocuently put it, you cant fight, unreason with reason

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    My husband and I took things a little too far before we got married. As you put it fade_away, nothing "major", (I was 15 and he was 17 when we started dating ... I'm sure you can use your imagination. Basically, we didn't have sex), but things we definitely would have gotten reproved for. About a year after we were married, I was overcome with guilt and nearly convinced my husband to go to the elders about it. I'm glad we didn't! I'm SURE we would have been publicly reproved or DF'd, which would have changed our lives drastically. Almost 6 years later, we have a great life and a beautiful son.

  • fade_away

    Well, I guess that puts you in a better class of human being than we are in, What Now. We didnt feel remorse at all. but I am so glad it tuned out great for you in the end. I think this sort of thing is all about trust. For example, we talked about it afterwards, and we decided that no matter what happened in our relationship, whether we ended up married or not, we would not let bitterness or a need for revenge take over. We were both consenting adults that got mutual enjoyment out of the whole deal and it would be nobody's business but ours. Because, it seems that a lot of the reason why one party rats the other out is for some selfish reason to either mark the other's reputation after being butthurt over a breakup, or to lock the other into marriage. It's usually never for the need to repent.

  • corpusdei

    On a lark, I visited absolution online several years after I left and make a full confession of my sins, the majority of which were comitted in the last few years of being a practicing (but failing) Witness. I ended up with something like 247 Hail Marys and 7 weeks of fasting, if that gives you any clue.

  • corpusdei

    Just went and confessed again. In a decade I'm up to 2500+ Hail Marys and 15 weeks of fasting. I guess I'm that person who looked at the purity test as a personal challenge.

  • sizemik

    Okay . . . this is bad . . . really bad.

    I've never told anyone this before . . .

    Before studying (and a little bit after), I was a pretty regular weed user. So here I am 15 years down the track . . . cleaning a leather lounge suite at some wealthy dudes house. Down behind the seat I find a deal bag with a few grams of weed in it. Yup . . . scored some papers from the bookstore on the way back and had a roll up . . . arrived home in lala land. I was still truckin while I delivered the instruction talk. I was a piss poor JW really.


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