Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-22-2011 WT Study (READY) 2ND POSTING

by blondie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sapphy

    The Watchtower says:

    He plants murderous attitudes in the hearts and minds of people. For example, 1 out of every 142 children born in the United States will become a murder victim.

    The actual source says

    ...from 1965 to 1992, the homicide rate for the U.S. was 9 per 100,000 people. The first-world democracy with the next highest rate is Canada, with only a quarter of the homicides per capita as the United States. Australia ranks third, with only a fifth of the U.S. number. If the murder rate in the United States continues, 1 out of every 142 children born today will be murdered. Even if the lower rate of 6 per 100,000 that the United States experienced during the 1990’s continues, nearly 1 out of every 200 newborns will eventually be murdered.

    The murder rate in the USA has substantially dropped since that cherry picked high range. The murder rate in the USA is now 5 per 100,000 per year. If the current rate continues then one person in 266 will be murdered if you take an average lifespan of 75 years.

    This means that if you are born in the USA you have a 99.62% chance of NOT being murdered.

    Well it wouldnt be the watchtower if it wasnt time to panic.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Ann~ Great catch on that comparison! Way to plagiarize yet again, Watchtower Writing Department!! Change one or two words strategically, and there you have it!

    therevealer~ That's a common train of thought around here, I've noticed. In reality, all the crap in the world can be traced back to Jehovah if you follow JW theology.


    Well it wouldnt be the watchtower if it wasnt time to panic.

    That gave me a good chuckle. It's so true! The way the article is written, any regular Watchtower kool-aid edition reader would just read "one out of every 142 children are murdered"... When in actuality, the article it pulls from says that if things continue the way they are, 1 in 142 children born today will be murdered...maybe not even as children, but as adults. The way I read it, it's not talking about child homicide, but homicide in general and is using the birth rate compared to the murder rate. But the WTBTS skews it to look like there are people out there just offing babies left and right.

  • AnnOMaly
    For example, 1 out of every 142 children born in the United States will become a murder victim.

    The actual source says

    ...from 1965 to 1992, the homicide rate for the U.S. was 9 per 100,000 people. ... If the murder rate in the United States continues, 1 out of every 142 children born today will be murdered.

    Aw, that's naughty! 'Tracing all things with accuracy,' huh?

    And I thought it was talking about children being murdered too.

  • dontplaceliterature

    A couple things:

    I saw that statistic about the 1/142 children being murdered, and said out loud to my wife who was across the table from me studying, "WTF?" She immediately knew which paragraph I was talking about. I did the same quick Google search and fact checked this stat and it is IMMENSELY exaggerated, obviously. Plus, the source wasn't quoted, doh!

    I was curious which idiot in the audience would bite on that and give some overly emotional comment...shame it was one of my best friends.

    Secondly, how in the Hell did Moses' parents teach him anything? (See paragraph 13) Last time I checked, he was raised in the house of an Egyptian royal family - WHO WERE PEGANS. True, his biological mother did receive him back temporarily to serve as some sort of wet-nurse, but one could safely assume this was only until he was weaned. Exodus says he was returned to Pharoah's daughter when he was "grown", but that doesn't mean he was an adult. He was obviously young enough that when we was returned to her, she could give him the name "Moses" without him remembering being called by a Hebrew name given to him by his Mother.

    The Biblical account does not state specifically that she had him in her custody for the entire time he was being breast-fed, and he kept progressing physcially after being given back to Pharoah's daughter. (Exodus 2:11 - "as Moses was becoming strong" - i.e. becoming a man)

    I barely remember anything from before I was 6 or 7 years old, and there is no way in Hell that I would have remember any conversation with my mother about "idols" at such an early age. I doubt that Moses would have either. Once again, we have a highly added-to, convoluted story from the Bible crafted to suit the Watchtower's needs, rather than to tell the truth.

    It's sad that even my "sleeping" wife knew that this didn't seem right, and she pointed it out before I reached said paragraph. Whoever wrote this article was lazy, and ignorant. This organization needs college educated writers, STAT!

    This whole article was disgusting.

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie!

    The J.W. will make fun of Campings' wrong end of the world date.However, they will fail to see how many times the GB/FDS/WBTS were wrong in their dates as you so wonderfully brought out.They are such two faced B#@%%%$.

    Remember all those articles about,how J.W. sold thier homes before 1975, to go and preach because the end was near.So why do they make fun of those who preached Camping message.They can't see the forest for the trees.Or I should say when they look in the mirror they don't recongize themselves.


  • Terry

    The Watchtower says the flood was in 2370 B.C.E.

    And the Great Pyramid was built circa 2530 B.C.E. which was 160 years later! All the child-bearing that would have to take place for there

    to be thriving nations such as Egypt (considering only 8 people survived the Flood!) boggles the mind.

  • ziddina

    Ahhhh..... Terry, ....

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but....

    Isn't 2530 B.C.E. EARLIER than 2370 B.C.E.????

    Which is even better...

    Means that the pyramids existed BEFORE the "Noaic" flood...


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Anyone notice the illustration on pg 25 of Noah and his sons doing nothing while women are forcible being dragged off supposedly to be raped?

    What message is the WTBTS trying to send?

  • kazar

    Great Thread Blondie. Thanks so much. I really enjoyed it.

  • WTWizard

    Now to bash another poorly written article from the Washtowel. First, it is not fair to ask people to sell out and then wait for years on end. Seems that Noah only had to wait a week before It hit. Had the witlesses sold out in 1975 and sat, they would still be sitting 36 years later and counting.

    Additionally, Noah had a job that could be completed. One could easily look at the ark and see how close it was to completion. How often did you find that, with field circus, you weren't even reducing the amount of work left to be done in the future? That is what I observed--not even a scratch made. Just endlessly going in the same circles, with no clue that the work was nearing completion or had 99% left to finish. Aside teaching the same exact thing that we were taught to teach, what is there to do in order to survive? You are supposed to trust in the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, which keeps changing its teachings and putting out consistently poor articles like this one that you are supposed to study.

    Are you supposed to stay ready and in the "hidden inner room" for your whole life?

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