Real Economic Security? Some Politics

by Valentine 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valentine

    For those interested,a new press release by NOW ,beyond Enron,the bigger picture. Enjoy. Tina

    If the url doesnt work just go to NOW press releases,it's the latest one.

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • GoldDustWoman


    I can't get the link to work. It takes me to NOW's website, but not the article.


  • Valentine

    Hi GDW!
    i tried to correct it,dont know what Im doing wrong. Go to the NOW site and hit Press releases,it's the latest one Feb 6. Sorry.hugs,T

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • GoldDustWoman
  • Julie

    Execellent article Tina. We are in an election year, let us hope that apathy soon is overcome by some sort of compassion by the voters this time through.

    Large corporations are looking to better the bottom line right now and increase stock value, they aren't looking for money so they can cure society's financial ills. I hope people will soon start realizing these large companys are not philathropists. Unfortunately they have so much money available to spend getting many legislators to put a lot of effort into trying to convince the public otherwise. It seems, so far, to be relatively effective.

    Here's hoping for some positive change this year,

  • Valentine

    Thanks GDW for fixing that.Much a ppreciated!!

    Hey Jules,
    I thought it was a very good as well.
    I think if i had just c/p the article here,it might get some has points we all need to think about. hugs to both of ya,T

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • DanielHaase

    Good article and very good points Jules. I'm hoping to see more 3rd party candidates this year with the senate, congress and governal runs, but it looks like we may still be stuck in our 2 party system for a while. I just wish people in this country would hurry up and get out of their patriotic fog due to the war and see that "W" giving more tax breaks to the rich, ignoring education, and cutting the labor department's budget and not proposing raising the minimum wage that this place is going more and more into recession.

  • gravedancer

    Thank you for the link Tina.

    I read the article and wish to clarify something prior to responding. Although the article was posted/penned by NOW my response is not in disagreement with woman's issues.

    What is a recession? That’s when your neighbor loses his job. What is a depression? That’s when you lose your job!!

    In short I am in disagreement with the concept portrayed by liberals when they use the term "corporate welfare". They have found a term which conveyed disdain to the middle class “welfare” and using linguistics they have molded it into a term to portray capitalism as evil.

    Capitalism is the source of all wealth. Capitalism is the only morally and ethically correct economic system, because it is based on voluntary exchange and not coercion. The alternative branches toward socialism, collectivism and altruism. Everyone hates corporations – they have become the evil big brother. People need to look at what the purpose of a corporation is: to make money. Unashamedly, I repeat, the purpose of a corporation is to make money. The money is in the form of profit which goes back to the owners of the corporation. In order make money the corporation realizes that they need demand and duplication. Demand gives rise to the need for duplication which in turn breeds a need for workers to perform duplication. Workers are people who need jobs to make their own money. Without corporations there are no jobs. The bigger a corporation the more it needs to meet demand and duplicate effort – thus providing jobs. If demand drops then the need for duplication drops and so do the jobs….and then the corporation is accused of being disloyal.

    Is that truly the case? To answer put yourself in the position of an owner. Ok so most people don’t own companies directly. But they do own investments either in stocks, mutual funds or pensions. Thus most (yes there are exceptions) people are owners….and what do they do when the company in which they own stock starts experiencing slowdowns or losses? They complain because now their investments (shares) start to slump and they blame the corporation again. So the corporation, which they own, starts to look for efficiencies and cost cutting (other people’s jobs) in order to make its owners happy. Now you are happy because your stock starts going up again as earnings start increasing, but the laid off workers they hate corporations….

  • Seeker

    The public relations industry, working with the corporate oligarchy, ensure that whoever takes power will become corrupted. You think the EPA protects the environment? No, they protect corporate interests as they relate to the environment. You think the FDA protects consumers? No, they protect corporate interests as they related to food and drugs. So 3rd-party, 2nd-party, whatever. Whoever winds up in Congress will be bought immediately.

    Capitalism is the only morally and ethically correct economic system, because it is based on voluntary exchange and not coercion. The alternative branches toward socialism, collectivism and altruism.
    The U.S. is closer to socialism than capitalism. Foreign goods made better and cheaper than U.S. goods? Stick tariffs on the foreign goods. Major automaker about to go out of business? Congress bails them out. Farmers get paid by the government to grow crops. Cities give "incentives" (cash) to companies to get them to stay within the cities tax roles. Capitalism? Hardly!

    Corporatism is correctly described as an entity designed to make money, and that's all. This is not moral, nor ethical. It merely is. As a result, corporations can do morally repugnant things, all in the name of increasing shareholder wealth.

    We have a government bought by special interests hired by the corporations who, by definition, have no morals in a quasi-socialistic system of handouts given by the same government supposedly watching over these corporations. The one thing this is not is either pure capitalism or a democracy.

    And it is going to get worse.


    Hey Tina,(((HUGS)))so are you still giving the dubs in the street a bad time?..LOL...OUTLAW

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