Political Preferences

by Band on the Run 10 Replies latest social current

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Thanks. I have access to ebscohost which should have the articles. If not, I can access them through a law library database in a few weeks. Wow, I struck oil here. This has fascinated me no end. Precisely what I wanted to know.

    If the brain research is correct, what role does political philosophy play? The longer I live, the more it seems that ideas that were once considered free will or rational are dictated by biologicallly. The whole brain scheme doesn't mesh with blue and red states. What do you think?

    I attended a politcal campaign camp. They discussed slogans and marketing. The slogans seem to have no correlation to anything in the campaign. Meaningless yet I doubt they would be chosen if they did not work. I was constantly remind that the average voter is very dumb. I don't agree.

    What would William F. Buckley make about this brain research? My instinct is to yell "Yes!" because I am a Eurocentric NY Dem-a downtown one at that.

    I've noticed that at elite schools they almost have to hire a token conservative. The liberal bias is striking. It makes me feel very comfortable in the short run but I am deluded if my ideas are likely truth.

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